Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 33, 26 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Golden I Rule Bazaar, • Dt»pot for NEW8PAPEKS PERIODIC1LS by every incomiQg steamer. SZ£T Sabscriptions Payab! ■ Advance. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE Tbis >Facbine is tbe Kin all. On t yon eau make a L slitcb, Chain stitch. Embroid liutton-Iio»os. Tucks. Guitars. Lawn Tennis, Baseball. Croqn< Stationory an«l lilank Book C.VSH PRICE8. Iland Sewing Macbiues 1 eight dollars «ud a balf op. [ * WE I5\'1TE ALL SMOXER: To eall and insy»e<-t oar late importj of the i’ciebmted G. B. 1). P'.pe?, e and oie** HCLMSTCa i i T. H. Davi & Co„ Uirin.iteci. Fresh Feed and Flo From WASHINGTON. Lion Flour, Oats, Barlc 3Vllddling Bran, PER “ WAHIMOO’’ Ji to Hand. New Dry Goo Crockery, Hardware, Qroceries, To Hn