Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 34, 27 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

=HIRES= ROOT BEER >'KHVOC>. VRE TOl ♦ Vaa t «"eep. c*»"t limi, ’ Il'» i lonie >oa «ai HIKE>KOOTBEEK panfrc» lb* blooJ. tk-EI«> tb« j'*U!r HIRES H1U£S' IMPRO%KD R00T BEEI ■ UOWO (W900. *C 6»SR.Y *MOC T»«s»«atACS HMnnn 5At.:»y “ a4dua**f~ WH.VT? THE DIEFEKENCE • You JncV HiRK> ROOTBEER (or pica»un- »a.i gtl t tonic. You uke lt i»t tonic »qJ cct pl«t»nne. Root BEER n. m irmxi«o wholwoki mmiiiei d«imk m i*« «oru tst rr. A*k j«b Or>t(Kt « Ofo<*r for w. ( C. E. HIRES. PHILAOELPHiA. > .. N i.i ' i' It B»io(t»l tw *>> «-•■ »uj>» B» rtt«c ; >’ S*** r . to HIKE9 KOOT»EEK CobU *oAJ«o;« u rlu(nt. TUak «Wi a o»- .'. a I «oaU br Kor |»*!gntn.. J«i »n To «UnU «Q-i innk up»> th« briuk it» n«Uroa* UeiieKl. >Toon, >« ij;ht - - - - UooU mll lhr timc. It rrmoTM tb« Uaeuoe of monaime. tbr rorr£t.~* *( no>»n luil# tbc wcmrinr#» o( ni<M-HIKES R.X»T»E'.EK -«k-iu u»a». »p«rkita;. »pp*t»iio* t. *< » luxury. (ooi »s » (onio. It U b«Tond mll di»patc » ».>ndcriui hraitb ;ivir»4 dnnk. »nd tt l» Trrr n»»» f >r «a, >•!>. tonnder»t»cd whr thU U »o. Th-- ro->t. hrr!>». tv»rt» *nd l> rnr», !rv>m wh.oh HIKE8 K»»»! BEEK U «EilUaU» m»dr, mrv thr UenUeU Ihiuu» fr>>m whieh ph>» iau» orl V, ir m «t fu! rrmrdir». Eor in#t«nre; IX> v»u l>rlierv th»l v»r»»i>mrifl» i» » »«ia»i > rrror>l» • W i HIRKS KtH.>TBEEK eoolmīn# raore 'arsm]>»rill» th«n m«u> »mr»«;>writU.« Th> -»m i« !r .• » to otber injcre«iicnt«. • It U do»no more to mdv«nr-: pr»cticai trmp. r»nre ihin p'»ny people nr«i s Ii >• a* «nd recororarndrd by tbe tuo»t «uti, u* and cons»-rT*tive'temj>er«noe j>eoj>ir. T!i, m •( «empulou» »het«lnrr c»n rnjoy H1RE8 RiX)TBEER him«rlt. »nd womm-:-1 i« t >!.* • * an »<rrr«t>Ic «nd hemllbfui *ab»titutr (or the»tr»i»i drink whieh be oppo«o* It U » homrm«dr «nd hom.'makino hevrr»fr It i» vrry r««!ly rr>-p*ml. «;>d i( thpUin directlons »rr (otk>wcd, lt wlll «1h»t» br Ko.ui Evrrv mrmbrr »1 th- («m !». (r m th, (•wbv to thr en»nd(all»T, rwn en)oy HTKES KOiuKEiEill, «nd cvrr> onr »( U>rm wiii b»> better be«l!h (or e«ch »»«llow thry t«kr It imj>rove* the «pj»titr. purtfir« tbe bloo»i, »•■>•) tone« the whole »y»tem Childrru r»prvi»Jly drlb:ht io HIKE8 KOOTBEEK lt« prrp«r» U»n intere»ts theni. «ud it» n«e dore tbrm e*>o<l. Tn tbon«*n*U o( h»rar». •■HIRE8 ROOT BEEK th«t mother m«dc.’' wil! N- »m >nc th<- h«ppir*t iweolle*. tions »(< hlldh khC BEWARE ’ D«> not cou(ound it »ith othrr Rootbrrr ],rrp*r»tion*, «• it U enlirelT un Uke «nythinj; rl«e o( tbe klml Bew«n> of extraeu «dTertlsed (>ir makim: R »»tbrrr, «* ii'.• > are compo*rd rbie8y oI m«ttrr *nd oil» to five thetn fl*r»e. whleh rarlte lh- urr»e «nd cmuse n«u*r«. Hire» lmprovid Ro*»tbrer mak, - re«llT tlie m»«t h*rmlr«* »f our (*»; « drink». yet nonri»hinjf «nd tbr hl»*>d )t clewn*r« tbe »y«t, m >f •: ; ■ • humors th«t deve!op m kidney «od urinary di*> **es, and in f«ct. in «ny < *,r th«t »rt«r« (r> ir an impnre »t»te <>( the blood. HIre» Improvrd R»otbeer U offcred to the j>nblk- »ltb (ull >nftJec <• »( it* m•• t» I* eonUin* no poUonou» or lnjark>n« proj>ertir« w(k*lever. »ud «n int»nt m>y »«ke it w<th jxr Cocl »afety. *fOBBEUS: HOLLlSTER & CO. Iinporters, Wholeaile anJ l)jaler-i io IE’Iel© Cigrstxs, Smolilng Toloaooo, ANU -£k.rtiolesAgents for ihe Celebrated Q. 13. D. PIPE8. M VDE IK T.VRI. J . »a<7 PUR1F1£D WATEK. No Miorob©s. 18 U8ED BY TIIE CONSOL1D.VTED SODA WATER WORKS COMPA\Y—Limitcl. Xiae3r a tiae s T , loj:o"a:»*iioTitJ tlae Clt3T,