Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 34, 27 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

IUST ARRIVED. V* •* H x x BJBY • CARRIAGES 0F ALL STVL’ CAf\PETS • ! IN TIIE LATEST l'\rrERN>. ‘ l .H 0U5EH0L0 SEWING MACHINES Ua\D SKWIXQ MaCHIS23, ty All \Vith the Latest Iopro*«m«nts'^] PAULOK Jra/ins, Gruitarri An<l (Hher Musical IustnuneD'*, \Vmes, Liquois, Becr alwavs os hant>.;axd FOB SALE DY ED. H0FFSCHLJEGER 4 00. King St.. oppo. C*stle i Cooke‘» 290 Ring Up 290 United Carriage Company, M. RE1S i J.C. QUINN LEWIS J. LEVEY, Real Estate aiul General Auctioneer. anl Queca S'.retta, Honolalo Personal attenti>»n given to Salea of Fnrnilure, Real Estate. Stock and Genernl Merchandise, Unt3kl Toleohone 233 Criterion. Saloon ! NOTICE i« lierebv givon, that all elaima againat tbo Criterion SaIoon, will be *ettled by Jaa. F. Morgan. ami ali outstaQdīDg aeeouni* due tbe Critebiox Saloox and the jobbing hoase of L. H. Dee up to tbe sbove date. are psyab'o to Mr. L. II. Dee. All biils againa» L. H. Dke, please preseut immedi«toIy for I*yment. !.. H. DEE. Honolula. Oct. 3. 13!H. oelO 3m L( )ST. M r*. Naomi faas Im»t eheek No. 321 dr*wa oq Bisbop A Co. Payment bas been stopped. The fioder will receive a rewanl by retamiog tbo eheek lo S. K. Kane withiu tifteen days from date. MUS. NAOMI. Honolala, Oct 2ō. 1304. tf dly. MMT ASOUTAKY DIAMOND STL’D whO* dhnn# bd«Ma muAmā *a.Jta*eilT. The pu<T «bo «nii nnn th« hum . vUI b* hhmlly r»«x4*J. Oili Hiwub Uotel. * AL U. RiLU.Tr.