Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 34, 27 October 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE [ARTICLE]


(W« do uot hokl onnwlw» nwpou'ihl* for the o}«niou» or thc> ntt«rau«*s of onr c om«pou«W& ts. ] Eurron Holomi a lu last uigbt'8 Siar tbere app«ared a paragrapb wbiob is injurious and insulting to ine as well as to Mr. Macfarlane. It reads tbus: Can it l>e tbat it is desigued to )lace Mr. Klemme in tbo Assem>1/ the agent of Mr. Macfarane ? Klemme scand>daoy must rare eonie motire. Ferbapsthis tbeon leads to tbe fonntaiu bead of tbe conception. 1 beg to state tbat 1 bave neitber consulted Mr. Macfarlane or been enconraged by bim in eutering tho preseut oampaign. 1 ruu for representdthe becaose I bave been Domiaated bv tbe Scbeutzen Club uud bave been re<iuesied to put myself fonraid as a candidate by a number of people who believe tbat tber« sbould be at least one **independent" ia the Legialature. I am not tbe agent*of auy cliqne. eompact or trust but my objeot is simply to do what 1 ean. if elected, iu tbe interest of all. Tbanking you for yoar apaee, 1am •tc. H. iLLEMNE. Honolulu, Oct 26tb, 1894.