Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 October 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

j KAMEHAMEHA G1 SCHCK>L. H» tir»t tcnc of Kamehameh, Schx»l »ill or*n M >ai»j Nor*mbii Api'iieaaon» f->r «haĪMaa ta*T he a to M;ss Pop? «i;hrr at feam«l Min.»] or Mw P vl be ln tbe uaii srt«c| Eivc, vraeen H*. 1, Satar\Liv hv>m 9-li she wiH he ‘o ns«et »ppiiv»ctj rs:;;oa w ttfrr dollars fōO. » tn »pphe»=te PMeired nnJer 12 veari o Ort. 11-Ia». * CARD OF NOTICE Schart «fc C-t.. has remored i lingt n Blook Hotel Street. i they will be better ahle U> ,\nd please their Patrons. Will keep on hand all the paper«. _ Book Stationery, Feriodic Noreities, in all branohcs c tride. se F0R. SAL A Complet Hunting Ont: One lrish Setter bitch ol j best b!ood in Amenea; regis in tbe A. K. S. B. and" p broken. One Pointer bltch by the brated Glenbeigh that cost i in Ens;Ittnd One l’up five \veeks old 1 and aiother thoronghbreeds. Oue Buckboard haiUeape f»>r hnnting pnrposes. One 12gauge L. C. S.-u t jasgoodasnew and m fine The above outfit will be 9old Enqnire of W. H. CUNNINtaHA Anchor Saloon. sepli) tf POUXD MASTEK XOTICE. Xotice is hereby given to »11 pe there is at the Goverument Pon kiki, one straye<l red mare br on the right hind leg, whitē si forehead and on the bacln both areshoded. 1 white 8tallir, n brai cnbable. Any person or persons o' mare are reqnested to oome and sameon or before the dav of s.il« noon OCT. 27, 1894. ’ ’ WM. KAA Pom Oct,lS-lw. W0VEN WIF , TJie Luxu OF THK I9th C©ntu A M> g ter{ous Tj t DiJ * n . vb °dy erer bear how the I wa. grown, wTuSr u ‘ enBtiT «"» whieh 'ut°St f»th£mcd ' How w*» u Ca»fom» men were blii tive» coa!d'nt »ee» “ Who«e eoin* to be the īuimin .... most Pio» 9 towa. nilo . U tb < Sbo*. to whom »1 plank the -needfnr down; no aad mn ihe £ tlw BackK*r be, T pUa o£ t