Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

XOTUF. Dnnng my a1>ācncv (n>m thc I«ludi, Us. IIohu-e G. ('R.U!Bt ii duly authorize.l U> receivc anj receipt (or all mouies doe and owiui: to me J. W. LUSIXG, at my offioe until XoTeoiber 33rd, lSd4. at whieh date I will personally attend. J. w. lunino. oct 17th Im 290 Ring Up 290 United Carriage Company, M. REIS UJ C. OUINN LEWIS J. LEVEY, Real Estute auel Genei'al Auctioneer. Coruer Fort and Quecn Str««U, Honololn Personal Attention given to Sales of Furnilure, Eeal Estate, Stock and Genernl Merchandise. 'Jtttn*l Tclet>hone 23S. Criterion, Saloon ! i j NOTICE bereby given. that all claims against the Criterioni SaIoon, wi!l be settled by J as. F. Morgau. and all outstacdiQg accouots due the Ci:1tep.iuN Saloon aod the jobbing bouse of L. H. Dee up to tbe above date. are pavab!e to Mr. L. II. Dee. All bilis ag.iinst L. H. Dee, pieaae present imtnedLtely for f»avment L H. DEE. Honolulo. Oct 3, 1SD4. oelO 3m I £jr MACHINE MADE VI OX! FACTOBY, : : KAUHI. Taxo PlanU. Fresh Topa aod Ka» Taro at all time«. Riog Up Ma’.ual Telepbooe 577. Bell 345. W. L. WILCOX, jy25 Hanager.