Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

=HIRES= ROOT BEE VKKVOl' AKF. ror * Cu t (M't n>. IM. lbīr*tr ♦ |C* 1 tOOk- TOR »Ht HIRES «• HTUES' I'fPROMD U* ROOT BEE HIKKā ROOTBF.KR ;.orr><-« lbr W «>J. iK-kk» th< p«J»tr 'Vll.trs> THE UIKKEKF.Ni E • Yoa drlnk HIKRS RlX)TBEEK for p!**>arr »ad p»! » tocic. Yoa uk<- it t- » tooic »nJ pct pt«L««rr. r* rn U9M .HC JC'C *C 6»StY *ttC€ tvb ?«cjmc£ w»n c«ue«s /*4>uv Wf MiiiiK? / aSXXVT* •Yoo*r ■o ■ ■ II B : stll H1RE9 tv» so«i Arrmz2<«> »eo wbol»cm turnjL.xcs oaotx u* »<wus. r*r rr. n *o j»w tVT«lti o» Oroc«r Rw o. C.C.HIRE8, PHiLAOELPHiAThh»k «b «o«ua t> For pT X ri amS!, To tua! i tb« ’.Tlai 11. imrtw Moniiiu;. Noon. N i«*ht .... % «I »1! ti>» limr. it bt Imm of ra imi«t «iut«iR.« Um ror lulU thc *<»rinc«« <.f nū;bt—!llKE> K>H»T.HKE!; i«a«, - * luturr, cvx»l i> » tontc. It U bcTotHl »11 >li*putc » «on«lerfnl hehh-eK.ne Jr : ,;ik. »o«i i! ;« t-t» m> to nn«lcr«t»cJ «1jt this U »<x Th< ro«>t. hcrt««. b*rko «uJ fvrT\r«, fr»m whi,-h II BEER U »killfull\ m»Jc. »rc thc iJcntic»! frvim »hu h ptn *; v»r * .-' i U*> ful rrns< Jie*. For -e, I>* _tou bciit-vc th*t «ar>»p»rula >■> » »»iu»>-;c rr H1RES RtKITBEEKeonlaiu* m irc «ar*aj>ar;;;» m»n» -ir.»pj-: «- fh- - to othcr in*pe«licnt» * It 1« vl>)uie m.>rc to »Jrance pi»!'!!»-»! tcmpcr»tK-c tbm ci*n« people rv»;’ • »nJ rvconxneuJcJ br thc m>>«i eanUoo* *nj conv-rr«tiT« leapmim ;» - pi »cn>pul«>tt» abstalner <raa «mjo> HIHES ROOTBEEK ,t. *; Jr> mm-ni-i an aem-ahle anJ hcailhful «alWmule f«>r Ihe »tnux£ Jrtnk '»nt h be opp >*c« It 1» » bomcm»«ie anj h >mrm.«kiiu; hcTt ra«(e lt Ut■ -, ca*U« ;-r «-■■ plain direction« »rr follotred, |t will »l«»r» be e• »! K».tt mrtnVr ,.f u,- f»nt bab» to th>-er»ndfath, r. -»a <njoT HIKES Kta»rBKFH, n.l c». ri n.- ,f tltl>cltcr hc*lth forea< h»»»liow tbc.T Uke It Impni»-,-. th • app-iile p intt. «th t»nc» thc whole »»*tem. Childrvn Mpeeiall» Ueiiehl in U1KKS KiKmHEKK ti>>n intere»t» them, »nd il» u-e d■ « tlK*m c>> -i īn th»u«ai!>l« >>f b«>mc, li HEKK th»t m»thcr m»de,” will (»• *m>>ne th. h»pptct rc.»!!c> ti>>o« .>f «h. Ui ■ BF.\VARE D>> n»t couf<>unJ il » lth >>lhcr Rt»>lbc-T pn-}-arat- >n* ol< likē »nythine < i«c of ihe kin<! Bc»»n ->f c\tn»ct« »drcrti*c«l i,»r makuie H—»tl arc «>mpo»cJ chiefly of colorin- m»ttcr »nj olL« to ei»c tbcm fl»Tor. wh. h c\ »nj eau-e nau*<» Hire» Imj>ro\cd R»otbcer pack»e> * m»k, - n>a):v the m- -t hartnk->« ,-f on drink». yet nonnehh»!: »n.l »tren-lhenii;-y thc b! »1 lt clcan«c» thc .»•>:. m ■ liunon th»l dcvciop m kidncj anj ar:uar\ Ji-> »< -., »nJ ,n uct. fn any .*.c ih» »n impure »t»te of thc bl-x>J. Hire* Impmrrd Rootbecr i* <T nil t» thc j>nbli, «<th fu!! •!.' • t t eonlain» no pol*on»u* or injuri»u> |>n»j>crti. * wlalem, »nj »n )nt»nl wi»y -»Wfect *»rety. .IOBL5EIiS; HOBKON DRUG OU.,'l HOI.LISTEK •• •• BEN80N. SM1TH *v C0. - ‘I LEW13 «v CO Honoluiil. tX't. Jfi lf -dly \V’bolf'*id Wholeaale \ HOLLISTER & CC * * ImporteM, W:ioIesile aat! Rettii D<ular-i in Pino Oigra»x3, a»*; Smolreis -<£urtioI Agents for ihe Celebraled *u<7 Ct. U. I). PIPJ M.\DF. IN f*.\Rl!* PUK1F1ED \VATK| No Microbes. jo w uscd |by nis ;o>x^>uDvrcD SODA WATER WORj COMPAVY— LimiUxL