Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Removal Htt8 tace & C — H-WE MOVXP T0 Morgan’s - Auctlon - Ro (or.*i>ort Departure Bay C0 CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA and K1NDUNG w< ia any qu»ntltyBoU» Tel«pi»one* 414 Ploneer Shirt Fact ESTABL1SHED 1n"T. A. M. MELL1S, Proprietoi 5lSFort3t., Honolulu. Goc COSSOUDATED SODA WAIEH (LumT«D.) ESPL A N A 1) K Cor. AUen and Korl M-. i : Hou I10LUSTEK * C0.. A« The White Hout 118 Nuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU. HAWAHAN ISL/ \ Fif?t-claf? j; IN EVERY RESPECT. Rooms from $1-50 to $3.00 per f( or 50c. per Day* paul lemke proprieto Bell Telephone 132. au* 2 NOTICE TO Visitors. Pienie Parties. Luaa —AND—»GEXEKAL PUBLIC n At SMirH’s Bcs AND Livki Stabi.e, Kino Stbeet. [Adjoining Metropolitan Meat M.»rk la the Chōapest Plaee in Towu you ea Busses, Wag>meties, Buggies and S Horees. It will pay you to eall am before rou try elsewhere. Mulual Telephone 408 . angl-tl C\upof\fn^ E] Corucr Kiug and Alakea StreeU. Camarino’s Miiwi U By Erer> Steamcr from San Fran cl«co, with Fresh Fruif, Oysters, Oa/mon, Pouh Etc. Etc.. Etc., Et •eoS 5, LEE SUNG KEl 49 KTSQ STKEET. TIXSMITH, *xd DEALER EN QJ