Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 October 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Q0NSA1VES Anw*TS Kerp« on Haiwl » Snpt>li of tbe Verr Best Piooeer Soay UC*Msor«X. 41 «)*«i :jb.THIS !K1.VP IS THK Finest Imported Her« aPEelAL PRIC18 FOR 5 CA>K.» IN LOTS. MEI i C0f Celebrated Brands of SC0TCH W1118KE yamtly: BEN ALOOeHLAN, Ainsley's 1 0LD Blendetl Glenliv GLE .NION Ext ra .s,v GLENLlON SPEC1AL LIOLELK SC0TC11 \VhlSkFA tr-» THE COMMERCIA 8ALOON Harry Klemme, Mana Cor. Nuuanu vt Beretania - 0 Honolulu, H. 1. Tbe Only,Sportiug Houso Town. O. S. a Special LOHENOlilN LAGER C Always ou Dmught. 2 GLASSES FOB 25 CEI BeH of Wines, Lu/uoi and Cii ALWAYS ON HANI) jnl tf C1TY DRAVAGE CO. Stand: Queen and E'onl S Wbite and Black SamL Draying Done at Keaaonahle W. F. 8HARRETT, Mjl*aobh ;ij25. Wanted. TWO Unfurnisbecl Hou 6to 8 ROOMS eac\i. Euqi 103 Fort Sireet oc!0 MEDEIR()S & C Merchant Tailo Amenean, Rpgii<h and 800leh Twe«ds 0« hand. Ptist-cla.s.< work gxuur*nt«e<i. Hotel 8t., Qodar Axlingtoa HHel Hoaoluhi. 8. P. Ci Miuu