Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 35, 29 October 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

MACr.yiI.ANE A co. Lkalen in Wine* and Spi KaAhumaaa Sm«t, Hoooiola. H. E. McINTYRE i BRO. #■ Grocert, & ed Stobe A Baki Corner of King aml Fort Sw.. Honol J. PHILL1PS, PE \CTICAL PLUMEEE, GAS.FTT XH*PEB-SMITH, Honse and Ship Job W Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street, Honoh I)k. MeLENNAN, F*>rt Street, above HoteL Mulnal Telephone G»*i2, for ofl 287 for residence. jy28 ED. C. HOAVE. Hous€ Sifjn and Oinama Painter. Manufacture of Liquid Slati 620 King Street. a Y. LUM SING, Dealer iu Fruit«r and Grocer Fresh Fnut« by Every Califoi Stearoer, Kresh Island Bu from Haw.iii. 13"» Fort Str Cotieo Roastod. P O. Box ] Fresh Island Produce, Gc Delivered to Any Part of City, jy2 “FAT BOY.” BAY 8AL00! P. McTNERNY, Pkopeietor, Fine Liquors. Wines ami B( Ooknee and Hotei, Sts, Honolulu Carriage Manufac1 W. W. WRIGIIT, Pkopkieīok, (SiKx-e»(>or to G. We»t). PaRRUGE BL Il1TiNG vm. UEPAIU V/ AJ1 Opdcrs frotn the Other ITand# i t'»rriak'>' Butlding. Trinuutnc aud Pai Llne will Mcct with Pr»mi't Attei Bl*ck»mithing in All lts Vari»u< Brai l>one. 1*. O. B»x 381. No#. 138 u» Fort Strcet. jjTI W. S. LUe Wine and Snii Mercliant Cavipbt!l Firf'proo; llloek merchantst. honolu 71 : BOTH TELKPHONKSs —CONSOLIDATED—SODA WATF.R WORKS (LlMtrTKD.) Toi Wo Wing Kee 1 36 NUUANU 8TREET l)e.vlen? io Ladies A (»ents I aud iehoo made lo order. PO&» 1 Fred. Harriso C0NTRACT0R AN BUILDER The Leading