Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 30 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

chr 2*otomtt* €alrml (XTT. 30. 1894. g 9 » II > I iwn« m PORT. mul v rx<r.L*. M - H;- r.;b,M«r, E«-]nim«ah KD)fBA5T1ICI. } k A n*ra. Bmtrn. N'-weaAUe, VSV bk " H IniiK>n<l, Nilaon. 8 F. S ; ,...n. r Aloh», D»bel, S»n Fr»nci s M K»-Uo«r, Itumd, Craj’f< H O. 8, 8. An-trali», HoadIette, 8 F. Am >>k Oakland, Se»ttl«. ro»ri6T vcancL* cxpf«ti S br RobertIjPwef»...L*Ts*n Id..., 1' M S S City of Pekinir.Vokoh»ma. l:ktne I’l»ater L»y»»n Id ( 1 ->k... Pt TownK*nd ( Am * kt Kllkitat Pt īowneeniA ... 1 m) N.-wc»»tle 1 !Urk Koatcnb#ck ... Lirerpool < A : br 1v» Earek» < Hi« l>k Mann» Ala. .NeweaeUe.. S A ‘rhr P"rit»o....Newe»stle...> \ ■ («l»nivor Kewcastle. ; Bremen J »!iip H F <HacU‘ l.irerpool KIKH(<> n.*iL m:kvki Steami«bips will leave for and lrom 8an Franci»eo *nd other port», on or »)ioat the following (ill tbe eloee of 1894. Lun Ho>oixlc Dr» *r Ho? roR Sas t'B*sciHCO. Fm. 8an Fra OK V’*KCOCTE». OR VA N 1 or’ Tho l’aulhoon Saloon i$ dej)Ot for the celebrateil E l>riselloer, tvhere it ean alwn found ccxil and fr»Hli on tap. do not deal in ‘ Fndericke Beer" as the mornir.g Puj through some mistako ha« a< tised. Call at the Pantheoi re-freshing drink. JIM D0I)D, Proprietor. Talk al»oat i»raying assos. town is full of them. McBru whiskey is only to be A?uu tho Etnpiro Saloon. Aud \ ifs fouud it stavs. Kn. Ue<]na of the Empire Sa has made a uew deal whieh touch the bearts, or at leasi palaiea of many u thirsty wai er. He keopa •‘half-and-l on dranght and serves a inos lieioue and eool beverage, soperior to “plain" beer. se 17 tf J. J. Williams tbe well-kr Artistic Photograpber is ma a specialty of portraits on W Dials and Silk Handkerch Complete sots of Lautern sl loctures eau be bad at tho gal For they are sold at a reason figure by the dozen or by hnndred. * Ilaniwai BatliHDUE The unders : g.ied having I.E Ihe well knewn IlaNiwaI 1 Bov»k at Waikiki, begs to in yon. tbat it will be run as Strktly First*Class BATHINC RES0i EP“Specul accommoJ*tion dies and Cbildren.