Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 36, 30 October 1894 — THE MACHINE WINS. [ARTICLE]


THE INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE DEFEATED BY FOUR VOTES. A Slim Vote Cast. The eleelion yesterd*y was a qaiet »tfair. Tbere waa oo eutbusiasoi aml no exciteruent. Tbe poliiieal rnnners of tbe mnehinp went arouuJ dnriug the day iu a aleepv uiaDner aud drumuied ap about one-haH of the registered ▼.iter». H. Klemme, the inde|tendeut candidate and bis supportera were the only onea who aeemed to posses8 some euergy aud iuterest in tbe eleelion and thev »ucceeded very nearly in electiug tbeir caudidate. A large uumber of ballots cast for Klemme were counted out, but it is not believed, that he will make auy contest. Tbe “intelligent” votere under the republic don’t seem to be able to underetaud the Austmlian system yet,and W. O. Smith and Arthur Brown were frequently called upon to eiplain the manner of voting and iuter pretation of the law to the votera and to the inspectors, who seemed to anderstand as Iittlo about the business as the votere. Mr. Young, we aro told could not even mark his balIot correct!y, aud whon tbe sad fact was Iearned thoattorney general want etl to givo him auother cbance,but the iu»j>eetors cou!dn’t “see it." There wns considerable comment over the paating of marked ballots iu thebootbs to teach the votcre how to raark the maehine—iiekel. Such proceeding is illegal. Nearly voters were registored, but only 1,000 went to the poIls. The results wero as follow : SE.NATOBS. VOTES. Ceoil Brown 7*25 Henry \Vaterhouse 690 J. A. McCandless 69*2 W. C. Wilder 683 II. W. Schmidt 682 J. N. Wright 659 KET’TITB8 4th DISTBICT. VOTE8. C. L. Cartor 607 D. L. Naouo 547 E. C. Winston 516 H. Kleiume . (not olocted).. 512 5th DISTIUCT. VOTES. J.C. Cluney 424 James Davis 410 L. K. Halualani 374