Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 31 October 1894 — A Great Celebration. [ARTICLE]

A Great Celebration.

Tbe birthday of the Mikado j will be celebrated in a trne roval style uext Satnrday. Addresses by tbe bigh officials will be made at the artuory during tbe day. A reception will be held at the le- i gatiou in the morning, aud a big proc6ssion of Ioyal Japanese will ! start from No. 5, on Maunakea street, and to the music of the . National Baud will iv>arch to the legation on Nuuanu street and from there parade the streets. A great demonstration of loyalty to i Japan, and frieudship to the Hawaiians will be displayed on this occasion. Several thoasands will take part in the parade.