Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 31 October 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


- The Miover* īk da<>. 1 here w»s a maawa» oo Beret*ni« street this mominp The Ke Aa Hoa arriTed thi» moroiDg from S*n Pranci*co. A maiinee is going on th is afternoon aml is largely attem!ed. « The AT P. h*ve been rubbing the fat back of Popeom with a resolntion. ■‘(»olden Giant" is the f«Torite play of George Osboin. an actor well known inthis city. Al. Hallett made as worldiv a Tiilain of Capt. Fansbaw. not ommitting saave geutility as one ccnld wish. The Hvac'.nth is supposed t> leave Hooolnlu next Tuesday and the harbor will agairi be without a man*of-war. Extensive preparations are beiug maele for a grand proseutation of ‘'Cinderella” including a beaatifal transformation. There are five strong acting parts in “Golden Giant” whieh well atford Dailey’s Company great opportunities. Tho Scbool strcet bridge is now being repaired. Mr. Kowell has got to his senses ut last. Wbere is King street bridge ? The Stur stockholders meet t >murrow nigbt at the Chamb- r cf Commerce. A new policv for the great pajxr will probably be outlined. Messrs. Samuel Pdrker and F. M. Hatch left for Maunnawili early tuis moruing. Thedisting uished diplomats wiil roturn next Friday. The A'1rrr(i*er gives ou its last pago a very “fishy” explanotion of a watch stealing case referred to by an eye-witness in yesterday’s Hol >mua. - - m Mr. H. Klemme hss not yet decided to ask the Supreme Court to siate 51III aml eleven or three! He ought to know wli.it tho answer will bj. There are fe\v of Godfroy’s electoral directories left aud purchasors will fiud thom highly interosting to everybody who wants to lenm Hawaiiau politics. The Thlos>phi9ts wcre “higher aelf’ la?t night. lt w.as a good lecture and ahonld havc been listened to by the Adverkiser editor who is Bome what inclined that way. The uew editorof theAdv€iii*er will prolably not arrivo on the Australil aud Mr. Armstrong will gain ai*)ther week in whieh to tell Aljianac stories of a very ancientlllftte. Revs "Mackinto9b and Bushto>k in SaAts and Sinnors last night S. hj B;shop is still bemoauing tbe 1csb of his horse’s tail *nd couldn’t api*ear. The p’*y pn all the sime. A Ceacon looking very mueh like/P C. J. api>eared ou tbe s ta*-> last nigbt lt was always be|eved that the >uper-virtuous ’o/lleiuan wa> >tage-struck. it wa> bardly supposed that WO uld ehooee the role of a |nner. 1 Ti;0 }H'Stiu.i!‘tvr-geu ra. "uo :s «iways aax:ous t-> iu»pr>ve the posUl Ū e ;t f r tbe puh’ie, has •rranged fv»r a window to be devoted so’c’y f>r ehe-iualea. N-ne 0 { the ba l meo ean oall there. L>*1 »1*»» ■ i*diee m»n The boodiums in the gallery of tbe Opera Hous« shoa!d be checked. UMk night mo T.*y ofleu9ive and v«y lo«d »n»arU „„ y eU*d o«» «>• «-“« g..«.Uo« Ti,. «o»« » kuo« .»>1 • ,or ; I pwolW « 1 “how to heeome a aaioh