Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 31 October 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

linUnnua C!alfiid; OCT • 31. 1894. nviu port. >■ avaL o*«u. B B y s Hr»rinth, M»y, E«|aim*iilt, Miafuimi0. . A .., ira> Bnwn, Nmr/'a«t!e, XS W ‘ f ,W li lhmond, Nilwn. 8F. \ n»H Su> Franri» ;; 0 M Ke-Uon;. Irmnfen, Crmy> //• , * s_ A<i«tnlit, B<mdlette, 8 F. A .' Se«|t*e. * roR u(,i vr»ti»EXPrmi N r i„,(»rtI> w r r»...IJ‘VR*n Id \ ‘-kohnmm..' I,.yK*n 1 \ —(i v A C*. ><k... Pt Town«endO ;.kt Klikilai l*t Town»end.(> (■ >.k 1 !-m. <re Xewc*Mle....O ... . .Xcwcmr?le 0 K-k Honlenhaek.. Larerpool O A . , hr 1va Enrck» .O ji t k M«nn* Ala. Xewca«tle.. X< \ ..: rl* ritan....KewrMtle. X< ‘v.mvir Neweai-lle. ..Xi G*r *,k l’»oi L«*-nberg. .Itremen I> k. H l <iia<le l.iTerpool....Ji r oRi:i(i!i n«iL *ervice. s. e an nhip? will 1eave (or and a ., m San FranciBco and other fc on or *bont the fotlowing d i.ll the elow* o( 1S94. L> «v» HoNoume Drr. at IIo*c r. K Sw Fkaxctsoo. Pm. 8as Fka> or Vakcocvek. oh Vakcocvi Peking ,(M 9 Anstralia < A-..traH« ....Oct. 13 Arawa 0 AiAUieiia Oot. 18 Monowai O Ai „, ra Xov i;An»tralia X An-?rnlu ...X v. 10 < tiina.......X( Manp a Xov. 15 Alameda.... Xi ,i Xov H* M owera X Ar*-rs Dec. 1 .\n5t1alia 1 Anrtraiia D«C. 8 <-Veanic E M aowai .... Dec. 13 Mariposa....D< jj ; ,werm Dee. 31 Arawa n„n» Dec 31 Au(itrali* De 7ho l’antheon Saloon is <lei>ot ior Ihe celebrated Ei {iriscIJeer, wherc it ean alma\ found e h>1 and frcsh nn tap. ,lo not dcal in ‘ Frcderic*s Hccr” us the raorning P«F through sorae inistako tias ao tisccl. Call nt thc Pantheon re-freshii)g drink. .11M l)ODD. Propriotor. Talk about braying nsses. toan is full of them. McBn»] ahiskoy is only to bo fouu tho Empire Saloon. And \ it’s fouud it slays. Kn. Keqna of lhoErapire Sa has mado a now doal whieh touch tho boarts, or at leasl F»latcs of many a thirsty wai er. Ho kceps •*half-and-l ou draught and serves a inos licious aud eool beverago, sujK»rior to “plain beor. ee 17 tf J. J. Williama tho well-ki Artistic Photographer is ma a spocialty of portraits on W Dials amī tSilk UandkercL Oomplele sets of Lantern s lcctures oan be bad at tbe gal For they are sold at a reasoi figure bv the dozon or by handred. Ilamwai HathHūus Tbe midera'g.ied harirg I<Eihe well knewn iLAKiwai E Mo- se «t Waikiki. bcgs to inl yon r that it will be run as 1

Gust. A. Maueī, hawauakhoīkl b\hber Ladict Shumpooing <r spcd~ <Hfy. Honoluiiu Aaug« i w