Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 31 October 1894 — HAWAII'S "BLUE" LAWS [ARTICLE]


COXSTITl'TIOX aml LAWS Knumnl bv tlio Missiouarios * LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISI<ANDS. 8ECTION VI Or Heai.th Orru r.K>. For the purpL'9* of c»rrying tbis la«r ioto ex<vutioa. th>’ Goveruors sh»ll appoinl rtve Hoallh Oftioer9 for eaeh harl> - of the Hawaiinn IsUnds. And they ehall have the dr> ti n °f vessels in with the abovq law«. And they «hall have power to establish law«* over all the people in limoa O' dinger from eieknea»; and it shall their doty to devUt* plans t> prevcnt the introdaction of contagious aud ot ier dis- . eaeee. And the Qovernors ahall a!so aj p *ii;t P rt pby- ia * wJw> ahail of courso be mcmbera of ihe Boird of Healtb. And the Port j>hys5c’an ahall vis t every ve«-o! that is si-; !■ I of contagion, or where the b’ack and yel!ow tUk' i« boi«te*l, or il4he Pdot eall for him.;And he ahall look inlo tuocharact«r of the suspected ressel. a id ehall proceoii according to the ro.pai8itions of this Uw, a:id ahall m*ka koown t> tho B >*rd <v heahh the result of his invcst : gations. H s pay shall be flve <lollars for «hip. V is evun i-d by him, tobe paid by tho g'vernmcnt. By the enaeiion of thia new Uw, Ihe former <)uarant law io repesled. All Ihe worda of this law having receivotl th« »m' t : on of tho Nob!©« and Representitlvos. we have th«refora iab< rib etl our names to tbe same on this sevent©enth day e May i?• ihe year of onr Lord one thnusand ei»ht hnn«lred an l f *rt. two at Lahaina Maoi. (Sgned) KaMEHiWEH». KeKAPLeoni. CHAPTEB LII. ADDITI0N*AL SCHOOL LAW lo the eft;matioa of the Nobl©s ar»d of tbo Eepresentative Bxiv «cbools f>r the iostruction of cb«l'irea in ! ttors ar« of • rast importance. We ar© firmly determin«d to give prctectioo to tb« aehoola. ami aUo i> t««cbers of good cbaracter, aod a!*> t> ireat wilh grest 9©verity all thoee who oppooe scbooU. or tbrow hindrances in tb© way of tkat hoaiaei*. Oae great evil of the paat yoar has b>ea tn»t the t©icb«rs hive not b©en prwperij paid..cf A portion of tbe biUr.ce bcIongs to the pawuts- It U ia»{Mrunt tbat pweaU shoa!d bav« «o maeh aineew reg ird t> tbe of th©ir chīldren aa to iniPieoeo them to atteadtc> hahmlien, • •