Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 37, 31 October 1894 — A Stage Gem. [ARTICLE]

A Stage Gem.

Sniiits aiul Sinners is a liter;iiy and dramatic gera of the highest ord«r. It is sucu play*s as this thut elcvate morulity, the world at Iurgo aud most of all the stage, to a plane of intellectual instraciion where it ean concientuon.sly : pose as a discryer of baseness, j hypocricy and trickery and in pierce, yet explicite English, iustruct both young aud old. The preseutatiou lust eveuiug was admirable in every detail and pas.sed oft’without a perceptible hitch, delighting a large and fashion able Mortimer Suow pr*-seuted hs neut a bit of character acting as Jacob Fletcher, the old cnrate as ono conld wisb. It w:is a finely modutated iuter j>retation, and at times rose to greatness. Miss I)aIgleisL as Letty Fletcher surpassed herself, beiug powerful in actiug force nnd ber emotioual scenes were handled with pleasiug Jine*ae. The church pretenders Hoggard, Prabble ai.d Greenaere found good interpreters iu Messrs. Nannary, Weiuer aud Dailey. Mr. and Mrs Belmonr wa» very life like as Buulen and Lydia, and elicited mauy laugiis. The minor parts were conscieuluously played and the scenery appropriftte, particularly the vestry and church whieh rece ved deserved aj>plause. Mr. Dailey is oertaiul\* preseuting a very high order of tbe dramatic «rt aud paying careful atteution to mouuting the same with detail and exactness far in advance of nnything Honolulu has ever had heretofore. Tomorrow niglit the play “Golden Gi«nt,” a powerful drama founde*l on Calif >n.ia s early dav. It is tho first ot its kiud evor presented in this city and comes highly indorsed from the States.