Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 1 November 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Removal Hu8tace £ C — HJlV1 moved to Morgan’s - Aueilon - Ro< for * 9tocrt tim«- We Departure Bay C0 CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA *nd KINDUNG W( ia *ny qa*ntltr. BoUs Teleptoae* 414 w Pioneer Shlrt Fach ESTABliSHF.D IS»7. A. M. MELLIS. Proprieto 5IS Fort &t., Hoaoiulu, (UpeUlr«; Go< COXSOLIDATED SODA W.\TEB (Lntrrr*D.) E8PLANADE Cor. Allea ind Forf St*. ; s Hon H0LLISTER & C0„ Ac The Wh!tc Hous 118 Nuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLA \ FiP$l-cto$ [1 IN' KVERY KESPECT. Rook from $1-50 to $3.00 jer i or 50c, per Day. PAUL LEiXKJ PKOPHIEl Bell Telephone 132. au^ NOTICE TO Mors. Plenle Parties. laa —AND—OENEKAL PUBLK At Smith’s Bu3 AND Livk Stable, Kino Street. [Adjoining Metropolitan Meai liarl la the Cheapest Plaee in jon e Bn3ses, Wagoneties, Buggit] and I Horaes. It will pey yon UJ eall ar before you try elsewhere. / Mutual Telephone 408 *ngl-tf EC'orncr Kiog and Alakeu StrecU. Camariūos Refriw By Erer> Stcamer from S*n l-ai eiaeo, witb Fresh Fruit, Oysters, Etc. Sa/mon, Poul \ Etc., Etc., »ei>t 6. \ LEE SUNG KEl 49 KISG STKEET. TINSMITH, axd DEALES IN Q] Coal-Oil StoT«, Pot^—PTumbing m AU lu ~