Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 38, 1 November 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Mu. Daxa shoaKl be invited to visit those islunils, aud if hedoos, our boautiful womon \vi 11 crown hitu with leis, sing to him the low, sweet notes of our native tnusic, and put to his lips the lotus fruit, whieh will pass him into dreams of tropical resi.— P.C.A. lf the lytng sconudrcl,who, for tho gold of rovohuionists in Hnwaii, has sold tho eolumue of the N. 5«n and porsistently daily, woekly and yearly, has besmirched the character of the Hawaiians and viiuperatod the Qoeen, ever comos to these islands, “our beautiful womon will crown him witb thorus, sing to him some bitter trutb in verr loud tones, and put to his nose a . club, whieh will pass him ioto a most genuinc rest.”