Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 39, 2 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

<Thr iMnmua €atmdar. NOV. 2 18M. _L 2 7 8 J9 ,* 15 16 n 22 « » s » VI»«EI3 is ro«r. 5ATAL VBnu. P p M S If Mat. E»,eiButaIt, B|C. pk Aiic*m, Prorm, NVwmrtle. X 8 W. *ni l'k ** Dtnw»d, Nilaon. 8 F. s -i r.:nor Aioh*. Dmbd, S«n Fr»Dcisco. Sch O M KeUo». lTsui!«n. Cmr> H*rhor. 0 ?, 8. Ae»*TmlU. Hoodlette, 8 F. Am V*k OskUnd, S«UtU. *-oK> K.> V»»tL> EXPrrTED. jL -r Robert Le»er*... I vsmn ld Dne I’ M S 8 City of I‘ckiog. Vokoh»m». -Oct 9 pkta* I’Unlw Ia>twd Id....Oct R V . *'h Aliee C«*»k.. .Pt T"Trni«pndOct 12 \id hk, KlikiUi... .Pt To*rn!>end.Oct 20 Am l<k EUinore Xewc»etle....Oct 30 BKCkdsarForwt...XewewUc.... Oct 2o |i«rk Kontcnbeck.. .IiTerpool. Oct 30 An» *chr l v» K.an ka Oct 31 Htw bk Mmnn» Al*. Ncwc»etlc.- Not 18 Aiu whr Porit»n...,Ncwnw<tie...NoT 30 N<.r»hipGUnivor.. Newc»*tIe...NoT 30 G«rbk P»nl Iaeubeig. Bren»en.. Dec 10 Shij H F < *Ia<k- Lirerpool J»n 30 KORM<i5 T*IL SEiri(t. Ltmt Qnvtm OeU 6 FsQ Mooe. - 14 n»t Qn»rter, .. 2| New Moon. *•» Meamahi,'* will le»ve for »nd »rr;Te trora Han Fmnci«oo »nd other foreign ports, on or »bont tbe following datee, till Ihe clo»e of 1894. I.rj>r« Ilovoinr Dr» *r Hoxolct.c r>» Sax Pkanohwo. Fm. 8an Prancdwo o» V»>COCVE». OB V*SCOCTE». P«>kiiiir Oot 9 Anhtnli».,.. ,Oct. 6 A'i-'.mli» Oct. 13 Amw» Oct. 24 AIftine<U Oct. 18 Monowai Oct. 25 Miowem Nov 1 AnUmlia Not. 3 An«tnilia... .Not. 10 China Nov 12 Mari,x>M Kov. 15 Alame<U Nov. 23 (Kvamc Nov 19 Miowem Nov 24 Amw» Dec. 1 An»tmlia Doo. I A«»irmlia Dec. 8 Oeeanie Dec 11 M nowai ....Dec. 13 Varij>os» D«c. 20 Miowem Dec. 31 Amwa Dec. 24 A'hin» Dec 31 Austmlia Dec. 29 Tho Panlheon 8aloon is Ihe ilej»ot for the celebrated Enterl»risel)oer, where it ean alwaya be found eool and frosh on tap. We <lo noi deal in • Fredericksburg Beer” as the raorning Paper—through some mistake haa advertised. Call at the Paniheon for re-freshing drink. JIM DOf)D, Proj>rietor. * j Talk about braying asses. The towu is fuil of them. MoBrayer s whiskey is only to be found at tho Empire Saloon. And when it's found it slays. En. Koqna of theErapire Saloon has made a new deal whieh will touch the hearts, or at least the palates of many athTrsty wanderer. He keeps *‘half-«nd-half’' on draught and serves a most delioioue and eool beverage, far snporior to “plain” beer. so 17 tf J. J. Williama the well-known Artistic Photographer is making a specialty of portraits on Watch Di»ls and Silk Handkerchiefs. Complete sets of Lantern slides lectures eau be had at the gallen*. For they aro sold at a reasonab!e figure by the dozen or by the hundred. * Ilaniwai BatliHDUSE Thc ui;ders g .od having I eaaei* ie well .knewn Ila.MwaI Bath oi sk «t \Vsikiki, bcgs io ipfonu . u. that it wiil be run as a Sirictfy hirst~Ciass BATHING RES0RT. 8pecut acc.-»mmodat»f»n# lor L <dit g and Children. W. S. BARTLETT, Ptoprietor. p.e, Tram-ean paw the pl oc8 kamehameha GI1 SCHOOL. Th« tcns of brboot >01 i>p«i M,.»d»y AppheaUun» lor lOaku» « to Mtw p0M cithrr »« — MumO or Mmb> Vuj». wul U lo »aa Kl»k(«ii(tt Eook. Qi 8*8, 8»renUv ai«tnuitg» lrois «Us will be bUmw0 to um »□ umioa k fety OoUam ($».) » i eader 12 O«. 1Mb». X