Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 39, 2 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

— hiri:s— ROOT BEER mvocs. ARE TOV» Cut ««'t nl. timl. Uintt ? 1> * «loak' yoa »»ot HIKE? ROOTBKF.R penlw» tbe lU-kie» lbe jwl»tr WHArSTHKWFFER ENCE • Ton Jrink HIRES ROOTBEER for pirasurv *ad prt » (4sk. Tov t»kr it wi Unūc »nd pkoaone. HIRES ?>• HIHEN’ «e R00T BEEI l nv<*K'<cs3*. ncHa.t »*.«* MAAiSltW C*4i.:*S £*iOKr ftoo‘T rv> mem Amnuxo ui «noinma namuMei z>kixk t» w»cui r»r rr. Aik j««r Oract<«t »r 9rv%« fOc tv C. E. HIRES. Philaoelphia Nuvctn < #q4 Ww *Zrrmm - li m'njba W «o A-napd ®F *W>- *l»w. ta !trBES ROOTBRRR Cookt bt <b*a|«<L TWcL •W » wm II w*.‘utd W For txB». d*y m) »<!»>. To «u»t «ad ilHok upoa tW Mol tu AXornincr, !N*oon, N ifrht - * - - (iood all tbe Ume. Il rvta<>To» tbe luinor of » >ra lbe .»s n.v ;i, ln!U tbe wr*rine»# of ni<ht —H11SES ROOTBEEK--drti< .<<>», *J» .li i,’, »ppe>:- > *•’>'! » » lmury. f(>od »t « U>Btv. I( ts ber<jnd »11 di»patr » won<irrfnt b«»lth df.uk. *c !tt l» T<r-> »»t ! * »a» <>nto uuderst»n<i why this U «o. Tbr nx>l, U«rt>». h»rk.» »t»i i.-m»». froo» wfc -h HlRRS Rt H«T BEEK U «kUirally M»d<-. »rr tbr idcntu*ai fr*m wbt> h ;».*r. >U-i»r - -■ • lhrir ni •; h ;• ful rrBrd»r». F*>r to»t»n<‘’: tK> r->u heli« < t tb»: »*r>apariiU t. » t»l»» et«r.. ‘> " H1RES KOOTBEER eont»in. mon->ar»*jvtr!ll» !h» . m»'< >ir*»j«art';»» Th<- i» k . to othrr in^rrdivat». It I» doiiuc raore lo •dv>rnre ;>r», tioal temper»nre th»n m*nr p«j le re«: •• It > -s< ! »nd m-o»mritdrd by tbe mo»t maiiow »ml r«MitntiK temp*rv».-e pet><>!- Th*- m«t .«empulou» »h»!»laer v*n H1KKS KtH>TBEKX b>ra»il. »nd rrvtt«na\ ;■ 1<! t t;.v .i, an «Km-ahie »n<l heallM'a! *uh»U(ate for thc »trtmj drink whl. li he opp«>»r-. tl U a hotnr«»dv «nd homemakini; tt U Trr. va«ilv or>-j<arvd an-l 1 1 :fte plaia direetk»n» «ne lolloweA. it will alwaT« Ur rood. Et •rT n:rmber ot U<> <»W!iy. (r ra ■' h«br lo the Kr*ndf»to.r, ean en;oy Kv.H)TBEKK, a:;d cTrrtf oo>- • ' tl w better heallh lor e«cb «wallow thry t*ke. It lmprt>Te» U»>- *pt«etitr, puhn tbe M.x>-’ »’• ! tone» the whole *y»trm Childr.it e»j<e. ia!ty dvlubt In HIKK'* K««OrBFKK lt- prv-, »-> tion inten.’»t» them. »ntl it» u*e <!>»■» tbetn ?<H>d. In th.»»v»nd- of h>>mr* HIRVS KtX>T HEEK th»t m»ther tu*dv,’* will b» »mon; Uiv happie»! rv>ol!*rtlori' <>f <hitd! ■ d BEWARE ! Do uot coufound it with otbcr K<><>tb»<«r jM\-j««f»t.»n», »•> Hke »nrlhine vl»e of the kin*l, Bew»re of ettravt» »drertl<e<l f<»r m»kl:iij K-»>tl« vr, .< thvy »re eoinpo*rf ehir(ty of coloring ra»tter and oiU «<* sji.e thrra H». <r, wh h e». tte tl<<- <.<er> -» «ud cau>-c n»Q»ea. Hire» Improcvd Rootbrer |\*ckacv« m»kv- reallv the wo«t harmlv< of <> ;r ,■«*»■!- Jrink*. yet an<1 *trvnjthenin!t tbr Nood. U eiean».-. Ihe »y»! m ■! Ti .« bnmor» thal d«re!op in kidney and urin*ry di,.v*je<*. *nd in f*vt, lo any c**r th*t »n- - fnm an impune »ta(<; of tite btood. Hire» Improved Rootheer i« olfvred to tbe jtnbti.' wlih luli ■ >«iitJ<nv« it. m eonlain» no poUonou» or injuriou» pro|>«r1tv« wlut<vvr, and »i: in(*ttt mvt ta»r il wiih per (ect eafetT. JOBBEUS.

HOLLISTER & CO. Importers, Who!osale aa<l Rotiil Doalor* in nn© Cigrao:s, -S222L032ing: ToToacco, AXl) Smokeis -^^xticl©s. Agents for the Celebrated o. b. r>. ptpf:s. MAUE CC P.UUS. •n«7

PDE1F1ED WATEE No Miorobes. W U3ED BT THE 00N3<>LID.vrED SODA WATER WORKS COV£PAN'Y —Limited tli© FoTxntains n Sr-7*'U : 1^10X1=-l3.oxrt; t3a.e City. KXCEPTW«i OXE 7 aug