Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 39, 2 November 1894 — THE GIGANTIC TRUST. [ARTICLE]


We inentioneJ jehkrd»y in s preliminary way the great cor | ruj ted trnst »hicb certain plant- . er* *re endeaToring to establish ■ here. We »hnll in oor next issne pnhiiah the foll text of the pro- ) posed agroement. snJ tbe pnblic ean judge for itself of the gigantic eheea with whieh the manipnlators must be gifted. T<<lav we siicply desire to Call the *ttcijtioii of the Americau ; l'niou P«rty to Plank No. 16, in th« pl*tforoi adopte<l by the said A, L’ P. It reads: It> dtclart our oi>po8Ītion to I monopolie» and li'ust* oj any kind. j And while onr patriotic fellow- j citizen the rcvered deacon Mr. *' Popeom” Jones heartily endot>ed the »aid plank of the »aid pl .tlorm, the draft of the iufa»ooo« truxt agreemeut was grinumg like a codfish froin tho iuside j cout poekel of the piou» politi- \ eianl Yes, gentl«inen of the Ameri- 1 eau l'uion Party! The man to whoiu \ou paid yonr addresses of gratitude ou accouut of his niaguificeut help iu the aud your maehiue was concocling, schemiug for tho establishment I of tho most obnoxious trust at Iho very time when he professed to adopt your liberal and tiuly i democratic principles. Tbo proposed trust is nothiug moro or Kss than a gigantic tyranny. If it mnterializos evory mother’s son on theso islauds will fiud himself the abjecl slave of a clit]ue of sugar barons . God knows. it is bad euongh as it is, but if tbe people sits tamely bv and allow nine ambitious men lo form a company whieh will forever annihilale every vestige ol individual indej>ondeuce, and civil freedom iu this country, all we eau say is that they deservo to be rolled in the mud, and have tho mud rubbed into thera. The trust is not accomplishcd yet, and Mr. Jones and hiehenehmen may yet leam that thoro is mauy a slip between the ‘eup and the lip.