Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 39, 2 November 1894 — THE CREAT CELEBRATION. [ARTICLE]


\ The 42nd Anntvcrsary of thc j Mik3do will be Remembercd by His Lcyal Subjects. i i Toroorrow all the loyal sons of j the Kising Snn will celebrate tbe I birthday of their beloved mler j the Emperor. All the Japanese stores will be closed, and tbe day j will be observed in an appropri*te « ruanner The nsnal patriotism | displayed on tbis oeeaaion will be beightened tbrongh the good ( , news whieh will be received tomorrow froro the seat of war. In tbe raorning the pnneipal merchants will receive tbeir | friends. and there will be a formal reception at the legation where Mr. and Mrs. Fujii will receive Caliers bi.-tween 2 and 4 o’eloek. At 7:30 p. ra. exercises will be held at the Beritania Street Armon*. No general invitalions have been issned, but eveiybody sympathizing with the Japanese colony in its celebration ean obtain tickets from the executive committee of whieh the Uev. i Jira Okabe is ehaimian, and of whieh all the prominent mer- 1 chauts and professional gent’.omen are members. Fireworks will be burned in ; the afteruoon at the legation and ! in the evening near the armor}’. The arrangementa are perfect and the celebration promises to be a grcat success. The whole eommunity join their Japanese fel- i low-citizens in wishing H. 1. J. i Majesty many happy returns of j the day. Following is the pro- j grammo of the exercises at the : armory: PROORAMME. ■ ‘Kimigayo' aml Orerture.. .Hawaiian Band “ Opeuing addres« Kev. Okabe ; ‘Tencho«etu’ Chorus ; i Keadingof Imperial decree S. Fujii j ‘Takachiho’ and ‘Ma8a»hige’....H’n Band , 8alutatory Mr. K. Imaniahi I March MnnhnUan Boach’ H’n Band j Addrea« Mr. Katow ‘3aknra’ and ‘Heine Matsu' H’n Baud | Address Dr. S. Aaano j 8election from ‘Midado’Sullivan. ,H'nBacd ; Address Dr. S. Kobayashi ‘Imayo’ H’n Band Addrcss Mr. B. Shimigu i March ‘Kepahlie of Uawaii’ Berger..Band Adilmw.'. Mr. Q. Narita ! ‘Kimigayo’ Band “Hawaii Ponoi.”