Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 40, 3 November 1894 — Japanese Celebrate. [ARTICLE]

Japanese Celebrate.

> TIie town is fu 11 of fcnppy Jap- - anese today. Gaily decorated i houses and festivily dressed Japanese abund. Headed by the National baud a large procession of the sons of the Rising Snn paraded the strcets, and made calls at the prominent Japauese t stores where generally Saki was : flowing to the “spiritnal” elevation of the procession aud the band. A halt wbs made at tbe executive building where the Japanese anthom was played. At Wasbington Plaee the procession stopped again and Hawaii Ponoi was piayed followed by threo rousing cheers for Queen Liliuokalani who graciously aeknowledged the compliment. A large uumber of prominent citizeus paid their respects to OonsulGeneral Fujii at the Legation where th.e government was in at ■ tendance. Tonight there will be exercises and singing at the arm- ! ory and fireworks. The hard working Japanese are beud on having ajo!ly good tiine today, assisted by patriotism and eaki be will “get there.”