Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 40, 3 November 1894 — The Dying Czar. [ARTICLE]

The Dying Czar.

London. Oct. 26. Disp;itcbes recei'ved at tbe Kussian F.mbassy this morning frora Livadia say the Czar is mueh better. He ate 1 breakfast witb apetite and energ}'. Plyraonth. Eng.. Oct. 26. The Rnssian lmperial yacbt PoleStar bns lefttbis port for Livadia wbere it is nnderstood sbe will take on the Czar and tbe imperial family and convey them to Corfu. St. Petersburg, Oct. 26. The following bulletin was issued at 1 U o ! clock tbis morning: The Czar slept fairly last nigbt, and his apetite this morning is good. There are no somnolent ur convnlsive symptoms. £dema bas increased. London, Oct 2t& A statement purporting to eome from Livadia by way of Paris alleges the operation of thoracentecis bas been performed upon the Czar with | success. The releasing of the, liqoid matter by punctoring bas greatly reiieved the patient’s breathing and the pressnre aroond thē heart. it is reported ProfessorLeyden declared there is no danger ot an immediate collapse. Belin, Ooi 26. The Lokai Anzeiger pablishes a dispatch from Livadia saying the Czarsutfered a very serions reiapse, and U is not expected that he wili surrive the nfght. or tomorrow at tbe very furthest