Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 5 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]


sxxTocai ARE TOl" * Oaa t «>*p, (M t ««, ‘>i>nL lUNtjr * • to»ir rt>m «>at. HIREttRiH>TBEEK porī5«* the Mood, lieklo tbe pmla:* HIRES **• Hmrs- i*mm «*.- R00T BEEI *C3CUJ»C&*Stt hao* tvk *wts cAue«T I'&ZAXm'**>JX44GfiCy WHAr? THE DIFKEKENCE * You driok H1RES ROOTBE£R for p;»uarr *s4 * tonic. Yovtokeit *»> loaie >cd c*t plcManr. HooT BE ER r» mo« imneM ».i wiouwna IUtmi*C« 3»ai tm ite *or« T*T f». n A» r»« Ora««to« « Onctr tar n. C. C. HIRES, PHILAOELPHIA. >’ ic»n. ra4l Jm «inwll Bl{ts be » ima|n| Bv Mfk' (o HIKE9 ROOTBEKK C«uM be TUiam «it»s • ■«•■> it «oai4 0« Fm (olenM, dar »! To *toa4 iad 4no> apoa lb* brtaJt t!> oee!*iv>’i» deii*hL Moniin#, Xooru - . - - i ... ol ! ti>c !l<ar. It rcat ’T« the Uaeuoe of moraicc. ‘ A*!*.!*» lh* reeriie* >t <KK'o, lolh Uk f«wlMM of oi*ht-HIRES KOOTt&IK-4Rkiow, «par10ia<. imHMk.- > Iatary, cood >* • toue. ” It U beroDd »U di»pote • «<«o4erfa! Jriait. *ad lt !» rery e»«r (or *ar . ne ,hi ? H *° Tt» r root, hert>*. 5»rt‘ *nd '*rrie«. trviu «hfc!i HlHEH Ri.H>T BEEK U »KillfaIlt m»4e. *re ihe i4cntiv*l thiuo Croai «bicb phr‘i ,»o« <<s» U»rtr as>«t b r !p i5?V 0 t. , i r .. ln ' UnC * : 1)0 -' roa that **r**paria»‘S* > r*)aah!e re«e4y ♦ Wrll HIRE> RtH>TBEKR oont*ln« more *ar»*p>riiU t!i*u m*n> »*r**i'»rtU«» I2k -im » lo other hoemlieal*. lt U 4oin2 more to *4rvtce peaeikml temj«r*Boe th»a m*ar peopie reaii*e. lt U a*e4 and recommeo4ed br Ihe moet eaalioo» *o4 <im*» rT*lirc temperau, .• pn’pie The m •«! -•empulou» »bet*iDer ean euJo.T HIKEB ROOTBERR hira. lt, «rd re» >rara-i.i •!. ; jcr« *» •n *cree»We *nd healihlhl *ab*titatc (or thc «ipon? drink «hkh he opp»Mr«. It l* a homem*4e *nd hom. m*klac beTerace It U Tenr easi!f prrpaml. *od il the plam 4irection* are follo»ed, it will *i«»y* be )pv«|. Etott memVr >f tbe f»milT. (rom ibe babT to fbe CT*odf*ther, ean enjoy HlKEi RtHrTBEKR. >nd evcrr ooe ot th.ra «;1! h»rr better heailh fop eaeh »«*lIo« tbe.r Uke It impeoee* ihe >ppettte, puhh.-. tbe M -hI *i ; tone* the «hoie »rxem. Chlldrrn e*|vecially delu:h! tn H1RE> KtH>TREKK H. ; t Jr- t i-l? ,Crat * thcm- * nd iU “*• th ”" >f' H>d Ia thootoBd» ol home*. ‘HIRK-> R«H>T BEER th*t mother maUe, «iil be *mong tbe b»ppie>t m olh- iioo* of childhood. BETt ARE 1 Do not eonfound it «iih c»ther Rootbrer prrp*ration«. *» lt U en<.;telr a« ■ like >nvlhinc eUe of the klnd. Bew»rr of extiacU »dTerti«ed for m*kimc KootN<r, *» theT tre compo»ed chieflj ul eolohne ro«tter aod oii* to *We them tUT.>r, whleh «;:ll tfcc cerrr. md cau*e n*nse*. Hire* lraprored Rootbeer p»ck*ce* make* rr*llr the m»*: b*r*i.*« of our fa*h u» • • ihnk». yct noari*hms *nd »trenjrtheain« tbe Wood. lt dean»c» «he »r»t. mof the wlu . iumor» thai dcTdop in k»dncv aod arixu»rr dbo*M». and iu l&e!, m mar eme tb*l «ri««« fr.»m id lmpurc statc of toc blood. Hlr» Improred Rootbeer i> offered to «he pnWie vttb fall eonUenee of iu raeril« lt ■ontains no poUonou» or lnjnriou* pr»pcrtic* whatcrcr, >i„l i„f*,i a»y t>ke it «iih t>* ect **fetj. * /0BBERS: HOBRON HOI.LISTER BEN80N, SMITH A CO. •• “ | LEWIS A CO Hoaoluia. Oct. X. t/-dly I)RUG CO., \ WhoIt?6Bl« L)roggi«t. Wholeaaie (iiorers.

HOLLISTER & CO Importere, Wfaolesale aml Keuil DoiiIere in nne Cigeixs, Sxxxoixiixg 'To'ba.cco, **«> SxrLO]l2:exs -A*rtioles. Agents for ihe Celebrated g. b. r>. pipp:s. _ M-\DE I.V PARL9. Mf7 PUEIFIED WAl’EK. No Miorobes. » U U3K0 BT THE OONB>UDaTED SODA WATER WORKS COMPAXY— T7ae3r 3E rt vxxiils3a; tiie E’o‘Ctti.tains X3aroxi'=-tLoxttl t3ae Clt3r, liemwa OJiE Fvix©īas Ci3rstal. ET 1TErsr TT. XI 7aug