Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 5 November 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HOLO^, ■9 ( 18 PCBLIS1ED J?vcrv Atleraoon I EXCErT 8UNDAT BT THB Holomua. Publishiug Co.! At King St (Thomas block), Honolnla, H. I. ?er 2£on*iu 50 Ct£. The w delirered by C*rri*T. in lhe i n X sūbarb». Cop*e. tor lbc New» I>tsakr8 aād at th* Ofioe of healion. OUUNO N0RRIE, M. ROONEY. Edltor Monager NOTICE. pn8inesa Communlc»tionit Bbomld be to V. M UOONEY, Honoilu, H. I. . oneaponaenee and LommnmemUon* tor ahlieauon 8hould be *ddreesed totbeEd‘ior nonoe will be pald :rK«rSo noiioe wm bep«d rmv *uowrmou8 oommunic»Uon«. Bu»iness Cards VOLNEY V. ASHFORD, ttorney and Coauselor at Law, lliee, Sito o! tbe Olil LeUiol est Corner of King and Bethel troet». A. P. PETERSON, aviouney at law. 113 Kaahumanu S*jeet, Uonolulu Hmwaiiau Is’iands. CHAKLES CREIGHTON,l attorney AT LAW. ie*: 113 Kaahumanu Street, Honoluln Hawaiian lslands. PAUL NEUMANN. attorney at law. Merchant Street. Honolulu, Mutual Tolephone 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, \TTORNEY AND OOUN8ELLOK AT LAW. om.>e. 01d Capitol BnildinR, (Honoluln Uale), adjoimng Post OOloe, Honolulu.*

A. ROSA. attornky at law. N T o. 13 Kaahumana St., Honoluln, Hawaiian ialania. H. F. BERTELMANN, OONTRACTOB AND BCILDER.l 86 King St.. Bell Telephone 107. F. H. REDWARD. OONTRACTOR BCHDRR. So. 006 King Streot, Honolnln, Hawaiian Islands.

Wm. foster. atornkt at-law. 42 Merohant StreeU Oct llth. A, G CORHKA, AT LAW._«3 307 Merchant Slreet, Honolulo.

Feruaiid©s & Gom< WEOUHUkL* — Calffornia Winea and Spirits,^HHj No. 503 Forl SU. Honolulu, >• •P O. Box 436. Mutuxl Tele.*4U. coxpas r, ī 335 Both 335 Haek SUni, Corner Kin« Maunnkea StroeU. H»cks Ai Houre. sam yke No. 652 Kiog » e&lilomia «md an<i Veg6Ubles. T«a aud Gronnd * OP. t, Do* l« r « FrtōU E» ;an Cig«» « te iyaO