Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 41, 5 November 1894 — Will Not Prosecute. [ARTICLE]

Will Not Prosecute.

The Attorney-GeneraI this morning entered a nolU prosequi in the case of Hammer who was charged witb malieioua injury in poisoniog a dog beloogiog to a police-officer. When Mr Ham- ( mor who is one of HonoluIu’s , mo«t respectod citizens and who , bas reaided here for manv < yeais was arrested there ! <vas a general feeling of iniignaUon. In the first plaee the :harge was nerer believed by any >ody knowing the old gentleman md seeoodly the nse ofa warrant t >f arrest instead of a penal sum- s nons was commented freqnently > ipon. The case was tried in s ho district conrt and some a ather vague and flimsy evidenee e ras presented. Tbe magistrate t awfit ihoagb ioeommil Mr.Ham- ! aer for trial altboogh he had fnll = urisdiotron in the matter. Th« t ction of ihe Attorney General * a deelining to proeecnte the eaae s ext»emely appropriate and wili | seet the approval of tba eommn y iity. Mr. Hammer is to be eou a ratnlated on beiog froed fro irther inconvenience and annoy . « aee. i *