Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 43, 7 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

fhf IWmm» <Ealmdar. NOV. 7, 189«. L«rt Qiu(«r S»t 5 Pnli Mooa, - 13 Fir»l Q«wt«c. .. )9 New Moon. “27 vivri« 11 i*o BT. 3«*T*L oR ir S I f r»cintl». M»T. Eaqniim«lt, B C. w*r>hip I>ogn*j-Tronin, C«IUa. MCBm*rnis](. n * Anrtmli*. HoadUtte. 8F. n., ‘A M»nn» AU. .NeweaeUe. 7* ' k: Kl’k:t*t .Pt Town*ena . U'.ee Cor.;... Pt Townvnd ' u I>rwer». <iood»en. L»f»*n !»■ ■ , %r ,w forr»L Melnnew*. Nrwr*»tle. • , <tK . v S C»»tle. Hnbh»rd. 8. F. 1» * * !«rt, ftriflith*. 8. f. **. v„ .>,*n. Kinu. Kobe. ' .. ; ; r Kv». Klilp»rd, Eorek». roR EICl TEMCU ElPt(TED. rit»n NewmMle... Nov 30 mivor. Xewca*tle...Nor 30 '»enl>erg.. Bren»en.... Dec 10 .Lrre>pool....J*n 30 KOKLMi* X*IL tEDt KE. 8te»tn*hiW Wlll le*ve for and mrrie roro Frmnci»o »nd olher foreign . A» on or »'<ont tb« following .Ulea, jji the elone of 1894. Ilo!«oLCLr Drr. at IfoxoLCUJ A v Fk*>c.*». Fm. 8as Franc V*>cOCVEK. OR V*SCOCVEI «l !Sr» .... .Not 3 An«tr»li» Nov. 3 8s 2 ]bnrow 15 Al»njeda.... Nov. 22 Xov 19 Mjowerm Nov 24 Oeemnie. .Dec. l Anelimlim Doc. 1 A 7.T^li*.*.’.* ’.Dec. 8 ŌeoKnie..... /)ec 11 k U Aīnuw. . • • • j _ Hoi. ....!>«• 13Manpo»* —Dee. « Mi<>wvrm...• Dec. 31 Aimw. .... .Dee. » ( illna Dec 31 Auetrmhm....Dec. 25

Tho l’anlheon Saloon ie the iiejK)t for the celebrnted EnterjiriseBeer, where it ean always he found eool nnd fresh on tnp. We do not deal in ‘ Frtderick 8 burg Beer” as the morning Paper—througb sox.e mialake haa adverliaed. Call nt the Pnnlheon for re-frefihing drink. .11M BODD. Proprietor. * Talk about braying asses. The town i» full of thein. McBrHyerfi whiskey is only to be found at tho Empire Saloou. And when it’s fouud it stays.

£n. Reqna o! iheEmpire Saloon has made a new deal whieh will touch the hearts. or at least the )>alates of many a thirsty wanderer, Ho keepa -half-and-hair on draoght aud serves a most delieioua and eool boverage, far guperior to “plain beer. ee 17 tf J, J. Williama the well-known Artistic Photographer is making a specialty of portraits on W atch Dials and Silk Haudkercbiofs. Complete sets of Lantern slidos lectures eau be had at the galleiy. For they are sold at a reasonable 6gure by the dozen or by the huudred.

Ilaniwai HatliHcmsE Tbe uuilers : g.ied having Lea?EP the well known IlaniwaI Bvth • > • • * % X . » l k 1V »1 V I i • iV T* li ••••• — Uoisk at Waikiki,begs to inform you, that it wi!l be run as a Strictly First-C BATHING RES0RT. gtg" SjK'cui ncoointnodatione for Lnīliea aml Children. W. S. BARTLETT. Proprietor. r.e. Train-cars p»»*» the plaee oc8

kamehameha gikls SCHOOL. r - t\r»t tenu of KMoeh*n»h* Oūrb 8oW»Ul i>pec Mon<Ur A P J'1k»uoo« (or »imi*ōon »»▼ be »ddw««o Mii* Pow «ther »t Knmae»» lun Kmder-euten Koom. Qo«f® H»]l, s*turdav ruorning» froni »br w,U pJ«uod to meel «pphennU- l* trnūoo u &tr doU»rs (f»-> * »pplīctnu rew»TOt! un<ter 12 ye«* °* •?* Oei. il-In».

Employment EaPeau EMPUVV £Sl *s IXR)RMATIOK AND Kj«at Ba;v«u h*s b»n of - Vu>w. .V*U, or Kia« Strs**, Wl* 1 u*t ButiM *■*,! °* ewpemen eooks> ul*»we» * ‘ueehmue. U3d .iomwee ►aj.jjiied witL good Ukd rrft»bi# « the bure*o. Mota«l *M. oot 5 . •■• •' kl 1 ™ Ubarer»..