Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 43, 7 November 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

B. BERGERSEN (ieaen! An*l ior RING-ER SE"\VING MAOHINE COMPY. All Kinds of NeenlleK for Sale and Repniring l)one. Damon's Block HotheI Street, Honololu. P. 0. Box 440. jy21 £.ong Branch -SATwmaEstablishment. Thie First-Class Batbing Resort hns been enlargeti and is now open to the puhlie, It ie the l»eet plaee on the ieland0 to enjoy a Bath. and there is no better nlaee to lay off. Special «cconQtnodations h>r La - dies. Tramcars pass tbe d<x>r every half hour, and on Saturdays nnd Sundays cvery fifleen miuutes. C. J. SHKR\VOOD, jy24 Froprietor. lo\/eJoy &CO t W|joIe$iile wiqe \ Liquoi' ūealep^ 19 Nuuanu Street We would eall your nttentiou to Our S}>ecial BrandsJ Long/ife $ Pure Cream RYE WH/SKEY. Frederick$burg SEER au2 in oa?k? or bottle£ CITY CARRIAGE CQ. Corner KINO and BETHKL SL C-AJRRXAaES, AT ALL HOl'RS. Aoth Teiephonee No. 113. J. S. ANDHADE, Manager june 15-tf. M. Moiikawa CITY SH0EING SH0P BKTHEl STREET, £ ■ i Nexl door to Bay Horse Sa!oon. BLACKSMITH WOEK AND CABBIAGE EEPAIEINO AT BEDBOCK PEICE8 Give me a e&ll and Jodge for yonr»e!f. Oct iath-l