Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 43, 7 November 1894 — Some Don'ts of Dress. [ARTICLE]

Some Don'ts of Dress.

w Don’t clotbe yoarself in man’s j apparel and eipeei the courtesy dne to a lady} f Don’t wear feathers in your t bat and patches on yoar boots. Don’t wear a sai!or hat and a 9 b!onse after yonr ft rtieth birthi . Don’t pioueer fashion with a j cb<*ap dressmaker. Don t p.neh your waist. Fat, _ ! like iyurder will out— somewhere. . | Dou t p«t all yoor allowanee . j ootside. A ragged petticoat kills I ’ the smartest gowu. . | Don’t put cost before cnt. Corded silk won’t cover a c!umsy fit Don’ t let your dressmaker dress , you. Dre?s yourself. Sbe may , give \’oo siuurtness, bnt individuality—nevtr. Don’t sacrifice fitness to fashion. , Dou’t ueg.ect quality for the . sake of quantity. [ Dou’t forg»»t that although veils are becoming to most faces, feet , veiled in laee stockings do not j look well in the street. I Don’t imagine that beauty will atone for untidiness. Dou’t spoil the gown for the yard of stutf. Doa’t dress your head at the ! exf*ense of yonr hands and feet. Don’t be dashing--be dainty Dnn’t make hay of \'0«r possessions arul theu credit }'our limited purse with your sbabby I appeamnee. Don't imagine that a blouse or' shirt, coat and sailor hat are suitable for womeu of every age ' and figure, on every occasion. Don’t wear a white petticoat nuless it is white. DonJt \vear heela to }’our boots | unless you ean nflford to have them always and not half ones ou oue side only. Don’t pnt powder on j’our cheeks \vithout looking iu a glass ! afterward. Don’t make yonr own dresses unless you ean do it really well, —Xrir York World.