Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 44, 8 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

c c 3** rrg j\ tū$ op. Sometim©s where to go to pur- ! chase any particular »rticle, but not if you happen to want anything in the line of SuppHw? Piclure Framw | or enlargod p>rtraits. there is hut one plaee in Honolu.u. to purchase all malena-la, and thafs KING BROS.' Store. for whieh there is no rival on these Islands. i '\THE FINEST PAiNTfNGS IN HAWAH, ARE ON EXHIBITION IN THIS GALLERY. The firm makes specialty of enrging portraits as well as maknttg picture framts in the very lal*st styles of mouldings. I» the sheet pictures, they have to select from of whieh they\\ invite an inspection at any time iING BROS., Hotol V*treet, : : : Honolulu. nov / tf LADIBS’ OOLUMN. The deiAnd for white cotton Dress Goodlwluring the last week has induced v,is to continue the saleof those <ii haml until they are all sold. Rānember th;s means that lou by t%:m at jvst what one cent raore or ain’t making i; THEY COST US, one cent less. any money on th< bnt it gives us mense stock of havearrived by t We want to movi at our Quick Sales fit P rises, so LA 8TOCKINGS will week at last \veek’s $3 per dozeu ones dozen, while the ones will go at 14 pe ,se kind of sales, ,om for the im,ew goods that “Australia.” f our Hosiery idSmall ProES’BLACK i aga’n this ices, or the $2.25 i>er per dozen lozen. The same with MEN’S~SO$KS: the #3 per dozen ones are nov 12.25 per dozen. We also want tp eall Speeial Attention to the nt>gnificent White Cotton Embroide$?d Handkerchiefs offered this week. They are not eheap ones, its tbepriceof them that is eheap. The interest a!so in(fteases onr Volcano trip and is it in quite evident from late rep >rts that Madame Pele is making jreatpreparations to do her pait for she has heen throwing up puntains of fire fifty feet high du*‘ing the last week and eveiy imication goes to show that by the yrae vou are readv to go she will le in her glory. Remember and savoevery cbeik if you do not have enough yon ean give them to friends who are making up clnbs. This week is a great week for buyers. B. F. EHLERS & C0. 290 Ring Up United Carriage Company, 2^i 1 M. REIS KJ.C. ŌUINN Anchor-:-Saioon Ex “AUSTRALIA,” Another Invoice of the World Henowne^ FREDERICKSBURG UGER BEER On dimngl)t »ad by the keg. Alao, as a Specialty, Smau Fresh Cauforhia OYSTERS. i ' x>K