Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 44, 8 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

JUST ARRIVED, q q q BABY - CARRIAGES OF ALL STYIXS LN THE LATEST PATTEESS. “iHOU S E HOLD SEWING MACHINES Hi.VD Sewiso Maohln Le' AU With the Latest linpro»t;..vPARLOR Jpo/ins, Griiitars Aad Other Mnsicdl Instria;<fc . Wines, Liquois, Beer ALWAYS OX HANT>, AND FOR SALE B¥ ED. HOFFSCHUEGER i C0. King St.. oppo. Cast!e A Coike'< ©yfterion, S9lOQH ! N0T1CE is herebv given, that all clain3S againsc tho CTiteriQn, SaIoon. will be settled by Jas. F. Morgan, and all outstanding accounts due the Criterio.v Saloov aud tho jobbing house of L. H. Dee up to tho abovo date, are payab’e to Mr. L. II. Dee. All bills against L. H. Dv.?., please present immediately for payment. L. H. DEE. Honolula, Oct. 3, 1894. oelO 3m jlotel JAAUl. Sm« Sifjq, PROPEIKTOB. sept 7~if THOS. LINDSAY 208 Merchaut Street Hono’.ulu New Store, ne w Jewelry G<Ji, Silver and Diamond % Jewelry Manufactare to o. i.r. Watches cleaued aud rej .iir-. in ?.nd inspect..£f se4-tf. VIHQ-!-F/T-:-CH a N —; FURNUURE DEAL£RS. eg to inlona th« puhlie lh*tJtlK;> openeU i Branch Store at No. 322, Nuuaau Sv Where they carry a compiete Une <jt B£DKOOM SET3, CHAJRS, TABLES, WARDROBE3. 8TAXDS, Etc„ Ele . E: Faraltare R«palrrd >o<i Genrr»l ■t K«u»n»ble Rnle<VIN T G FAT CUAN, F*cfory,corn«r of Kiog *tul BetU«i st«etS. aept 6-3ms MACHINE MADE OX! , : ; KAUHl. fresh Tops and at all times. atual Telephone 577. W. L. WILCOX, Manager*