Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 44, 8 November 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


HeUI by tbe Er.emy kmight CiaderelU will excite ererj boy and gir1 io the city. A gr©at namber of ticketa hare been sold for Dailey ? s beoefit

» — The military dratua • Held by The Enem v” goes off tonigbt MLss DalgleUh bas a charming! jccmedy part iu this evening'8 , peformance. Ali cbildren shonld be present tho Cinderella and enjoy tbe spectacnlar drama.

The i‘arad:so of the Pacific ia oot. H. W. Schmidt is the poetieal ed:tor of tbo sheet. | Throogh the coortsey of Minj ister Hatch, the band plars at j the hospital this afteruoon. — Mr. Dailey declines to ans»er any illiterate correspondence particularl\’ when anonymoos There will be a dinner given to Mr. Fnjii, the Hawaiian ConsoI General at tho British Clob. The Leilanis met last nigbt a./l | devised means to “hoom” me ; club. A ball will be given ir/the : near fnture. J Mr. Campbell bas leit his poniea to Dailey. They /will be used iu the presontiition|Df Ciudorellu. / The foroigu jury w/3 called this moruiug, Cooper does bosinoss with 11 jfengeauce. No frivolous excnses Mjt him. When will Professhr Berger attend to his own prlgramiue instoad of playiug jfce e!aborate hash of all the uak/owns in towur / Tho raembers tl the Boartl of Health will go wo the Leper Settlcmeut uext wtok. It is nnder stood that th# will uot remain there. / M, mmm ... — — - The latest/fad is the imbibing of ehampamio from ladios’ slippers. Whl not frora a higherop garraenl. Where is the Humane Socjity? Ē Tho \vaimanaIo iu command of wrecky Capt. Davies sails this afternoo| for the scene of the wreckecl German bark. Shares are “gc/og up.” Acc/rding to the Adver(i*«r the “gumming” disoase is prevalent iu Australia. The chowing-gum disease is having the upper hand among]the fair sex in Hawaii,and tbe gils onght to be asbamed. Tho| Nannary benefit will be' patro/sod by everybody who, likes Ithe dramatio efiorts of Lhe : popiuni company. The pieee selec|ed by the little beauty will be known tomorrow and a crowd- ! od house wiil be guaranteed. . .•, I The wcdding of Miss Daglewh to Mr. Miller is announced. The populai actress was united in marriage the ohoiee of her beart ylsterday afteruoon at the St Aodrews’ Cathedr*l. Mr. Milior, the bridegroom is a well known Californian. # ■ ‘ * >|