Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 44, 8 November 1894 — From The Police Court. [ARTICLE]

From The Police Court.

Jadg* Wiloox nrriroil alittlej late bat waa still handsome thi«| morning. Jodge Perry u sutfering from Pab«irralis and eannol do bis daty for ae>-end day*. The present jadge disposed of sereral eaaea. A Japanese ,, loTe , ‘ case was attended to—the giil waa agly enoogh—and a native thiering oaae waa disposed oC la tbe. Oemer eaae a native proslitate; testihed to a risit by the ex-torn-kev. while tbe official den>ed the the soft impeaehmeni. The'court waa interrapled by Bob Griere; during the aeaeion bot Bob got! no satisfaction. The polioe jadge interpreta a great deal better tban the «lerk and several inaianoea of d»aseosion‘happened. Tornkey Osmer wa* aoquitud. The judge did nol bel>eve the atatementeof tbe Maoi ‘ aea^ei’’ girl aud tbe pat up job eame to | a»agbt.