Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 44, 8 November 1894 — A Famous War Drama. [ARTICLE]

A Famous War Drama.

« . Tbe tel!ing ot a war story aecording to old stage parlance necessitated the introduction, and killing of many soldiers on both sides, bat latter day practice does*away with this style and j throughJstage eflects one imagines he witnesses the strife in roality. I S/ch is the case “Held by the Fuemy’ where a battle is waging, ■' 1 f.nd orders are given for the plan h f campaign. There are very / several strong characters, aud a number of striking situations that excite patriotic senli- [ ment. Tbo sale is hardly as large as it shou!d be, but there will duubttcss be a good house