Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 44, 8 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

tThf Solomua €alfn(Ur. KOV. 8, 1894. Lwt KoT FuD Mooo ■ 1 Fint QurtB *• II K«w Mooa, VBMKL» I» PORT. KATU m>(U. H H M S I(y*eiBlli, XUy. Ew)Qima«U, B C. Fr*tirh wanīhip I>ogu*T-Trcrain, C«Qno. MKKCSikTniKX. O. S. S. An«tr»h». HoadW*ttp, 8 F. Bk Aiui»m, Bn»n. N>veMtk, K S W. H»'w bk M*nn« Aia. .Kewou>tie. Am bkt Kl!kit*t I‘t Town«fnd. A ni fc*h Alioe Couk... Pt Tiiwn«‘n<l S< hr Robcrt i/ , wfīi, <ior*lroen. Umn I». H» t<ii t.'*dro« Fon**U M. Inniou*. Am t<kto«< t> K t. j»ilc, Hnbb*rd, S- F. Ad t.k AU«-rt, tirimtt»*. 8. F. - nir N»n*U»n, Kioe. K«be. Am *chr En, hiitc»rd. Enrri». poarn;s An» h iir Pnritan.,..K«*t»c»stW»...Kov .10 N .r «Lip CiWknivor.. .Kewca«tle...Kor 30 (»er bk I’aul lHenberg. limnen Dec 10 8hsp H F Glade I-irerpool. ...Jan 30 naiL si:kvi«e. Steamsbi|>fl will )eave for and «rr ; ve trom 8an Francisco and otber fureign porti>, on or abont tbe following dates, lill the eioee of 1894. I.r*vr Homneilln *x HowoLru7 r<»R S*k Fk*mcj900.'F»i. 8*!» Francwcd o» V*scocvca. oa V*xcocm. Miowera Kuv 3 An»tralia Sor. 3 Aratralia. ...Kot. lO Oiina Nov 12 Manpoaa....KoT. 15 Alameiia.... Kot. 22 Ofeanic Kov 19''Miowen» Kov 24 Arawa Dec, 1 An»tralia Doc. 1 Aantralm Dec. 8Oeeanie Decll i Monowai ....Dec. 13 Mariposa Dec. 20 Mi<iwt*ra..,. Dec. 31 Arawa Dec. 24 ('hina Dec 31 AastraIia....Dec. 29 Tiio I’anUieon Saloou is the depot f'or the celebrnted EnterI»riseBecr, where it ean ol«aj-g be found eool and frtsh on lap. Wo «lo not dt‘al in ‘ Fr»derick8burg Boer” as the tnorning l*aper—through soate niislnke has advertipod. Call at the Panlheon for re-fr©shing drink. JIM D0I)D, Proprietor. * Talk nbout braying a8ses. The town is full of theui. McBrayer’s whiskoy is only to be found at tho Empiro Saloon. Antl whon il’a fouml il slays. * Kn. Reqna of the Empire Saloon has mado a new deal whieh will touch the hoart8, or at least tho palates of many a thirsty wanderer. Ho koops , ‘half-and-half” ou dranght and serves a most delicious and eool beverage, far superior to “plaiu” beer. se 17 tf J. J. Williams the well-known Artistic Photographer is making a specialty of portraits on Watch Dials and Silk Handkerchiefs. Complete sots of Lantern slides lectures eau be had at the gallery. For thoy are sold at a roasonable hgure by the dozen or by tbe hundred. * Ilaniwai BatlxHausE The undersigood having LeasED the well knewn IlaKiwaI Bath Hoise at Waikiki, begs to irfonu you, that it will be run as a Strictly First-Class • BATHINGRES0RT. Special accoinmodationa for L\dies and Children. W. S. BAHTLETT. Proprielor. f.s. Tram-cars pasi the plaee oc8 KAMEHAMEHA GIRLS SCHOOL. Tbc fii*t *cna of KaaoehaiwAa OW» bcbool will opaa Pee. M». y puliewlioo» admi*ik>B may be aa«nws*edtolPom «kWr a»X»MhaBH>ha MiOiaal ot Mna* «N’P*. wiU h« la th* Havraliall, 8atnrda.<»orou»gfl «rom wb«e »W iuiUoo ia (#50.) a yror ■piiimnW rvcuir*d under 12 yeaw of »** (V4. 11-1«. Employraent HuPeau. Ak iktokmatiok AKD SMP ment Bnr««a W bero o|«wed al Bay V»ew, Aala. oa Kiug 8U»at. n«xt »iba Ctenm* Tb**u». Partiea tha awr of oarpente», «ooka. pla»tat»a lahoiw nwehanioe atw) <tomrstic eerrBBte oan bc r !»nlatK>u labo««. ,.„__„uc #err*Bta ea» b* »upuli«d w»Ui goo(l aad niiahi* JP0°Pj* »1 tb* Bor«an. Mamn' Aalaphan* I 1»4. »ot i