Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 44, 8 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

tfi BEDS of WOVEN WIRE! fh§ Luxury or the i 19th Geiitury > 4 Hysteriou« Tale. i DU utted; erw beas bcw UM lesm &nt wwI How tbe BiUi (o| ia Ute eoeeuil; w{seo n t*U<0 SMll *1> h)w|; , Ftob wbeao» Uk ntim <*me to peopW «t»ī* tair 5*a<l An<l wtw-n :ber Jxd, whcrc Ujct «y w<at, tb» b*ppy da»kr hanU* Tbese UeU an: aH a»vfterioas. aa4 oo *olation p*tAoJ there’s otber >nrsterie» <jaitc .ileep which ire aot fātbome«l yet: , Who wa» it raa the opiam rsaf, pot ‘n the Uqoor free, , How w*5 it Co»t 'tnii mea were blind. 4eteeUtm coaid'BC »ee* Wb-.>»e eoi:iit to be the Tataainv K.icj of tbt» b« pioo» town, Who'U »l*n the Show, lo wh- m thali w< *U plank tbe "aeedfai'’ down: Wao wili be Bo»a, aad ma the Sna, who wiU the Bachkr hei. To do it oa the Frieco pUn of the Great RcpubUc fhs«? One thitt2 we know Uut BAILET‘S BEDS »rr midc of WOVEX WIRE, Tbcv giTe as comfort, peaee »nd re»t. aad ttr aU tbat *e desire; He uke» no part īn poUlio», but doe* the he*t he eaa. To piea»c bi» frienJ.*, and show tbat be‘» thc WOVEN W1RE MAN 1 W0VEN W!RE BAfLEY, Manufacturer 0f WVEN w/RE Beds, Holel Street, Honolulu, (next door to Horn’s Steam Bakery.^ Sald by AU HEspBctable DsalErs. aug 14-Ina; L. B. KERR’S ANNOU NC EM ENT! HWE J03T REO0IVHD A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F . FINE SU1TINGS, ELEGANT PATTERNS, and:latest STVLES. These goods will be >old in any Qaantity frum a 100JYabds Dowx to Enouoh to Make a Sixgle Scit ! —AN*D AT—HABD TISE8 PRĪPES! L. II. KERK. . - iMPOKTen SQaoea Street. Sept->-3ui PIONEER Steam CAN0Y Factory, BAKERT and lee Cream Parlors! / H w 1363 1894 ! nueneAL CON FEC T1GNEH axd ORNAHENTER Im o U brm*ciu» e> f the 6miwm m ihnt Aaeneaa, Emiiwh. Geraaa ud Freaeh FASTUSS3UdttoOritr. BIRTH-DAY i*iD Wmm CAUS MaAa af Ik* Trj 8eat Xatcriai aad air Family 6r«ham & Fancy Bread mm U*»d. AUL C0SFECT10.UJJY «MiImIiMmI in Gaareai«ed to kt Vm»Nj Fto* ai AoM «1 Triee* ao «£wr *rabiij^&c.. wito. FACTOHX AND 8TOKE, xo n sum M >0. Ti. »»