Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 44, 8 November 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

11. BERGERSEiN G(Mnl Afml lor .SING-ER SEWING MA.CHIISriS compy. All Kimls of Needles for S«lc nml Ropairing Dono. I)amoo’s Block Bethol Stroot, Honolalu. P. 0. Hox 440. j>’21 Dong Branch Establishment. This First-Clasa Bathiug Resort has been enlarge<i aml is now open lo the puhlie, lt is the heet plaee on tho to cnjoy a Bath, and there is no belter plaee to Iay ofl. S|>ecial accotnniodalions for Li — dies. Tramcara pass the door every iiair iiou., J <>n Soturdays nnd Sundays cvery fifleen miuulee. C. J. OHttRWOOD, jy24 Propi'«**». lo\/eJoy &co. W|jDle?ale Wiqe \ Li^uoi 1 ūealei^ 19 Nuuanu Street We wouId eall your attention to Our Sj>ecial Brands Long/ife <$ Pure Cream RYE WHISKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au2 in caske or bottles CITY CARR)AGE C0. Corner KINO a;ul BETHEL St. CAE1IĪACtES, AT AI.L HOl' KS. *toth Teiephoi!M No. 11S. J. S, ANDRADE, Manager june 15-tf. M. Moiikawa CITY SH0EINGSH0P BETHEI. STREET, Next door to Bay Horse Saloon. BLACKSMITH * WORK AND CARR1AGE REPALB1NG AT BEDEOCK PRICES Oive me a eali and Jadge for yonreelL Oei 12th-l