Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 44, 8 November 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Removal ’ i Co, HAVK movkd to —« Morgan’s - Auction - Room» (or » siort We *«nin« Departure Bay COAL CHAECOAL, ALGEROBA and KTNDLING WOOD in %ay Both lelephow» 414 » n6

Pioneer Shirt Factory &?TABLISHED 1^'. A. M. MELLIS, Proprietor, 5IS Fort St.. Honololo, (Up*tjdT») Good Fit CONSOLIDATED SODA WATER 00. (Ln«TTKD.) ESPL A N AD E : C«r. Allen anU Fori St«. s : Honoluln II0LL1STER * C0., A(enl>. 'he White House! 118 Nuuanu Avenue, HOl*OLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS \ FiM*da$ |lon$e I» EVERY RESPECT. Rooms frp $1-50 to $3.00 per Veet jr 50c. per DayPAIILLEMKE, PROPRIETOR. Bell TelAhone 132. au z 22 ?ICE TO Tisltors, Plele Parties. Lnans general\public I L At Smith’s Bus axA Livery Stable, Kino Stiwet. [Adjoining Metropolitan Mea\Market.] ls the Cheapest Plaee in Town #>u ean get Bu8S68, Wagonedes, Bnggi.i ai\l Saddle Horses. It will pay you to eall and see before you try elsewhere, S3£” Mutaal Telephone 408 « angl-tf

P^J| fM«T, Tc. Corner King and Alakea StrA.-<. Camarioo’s Refrigerators By Erery 8tcamer from S«n Franeiaeo, with Fresh Fruit, Oysters, j Safmon, Pou/try, Etc. Etc.. Etc., Etc.I »eot ft, .

IiEWIS J. LEYEY, Heal Estate anei Oeneial Auctioneer. Coroer Port and Queca Stxwst«, Honohila Person*l *ttention giren to Salee of Furnilure, Beal Eetate. Stock and Qeneral Merchandise. afataal TeUphon« 238

NOTICEDoriog my absence from the E"** the de P* rt °re of the 0*t*nic ior China Chia Dock will haTe fall qharge of my busineaa and afiai*j generaliy. Wailoko, 8eft. 34,1894 __ —_ Aa Chew W» 'W’A3STT] or bv OOt8 3tad ra at ■* Opeicb,