Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 44, 8 November 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

aoNSAim ABw*ts Ke«p« on īland » 8npp!T of tbe Very Best Piooeep Soap la Cum of U. 12| R>nni ?J 8 m THC5 80AP 18 THE Finest Imported Hero, SPĒCIAL PRICE8 POR 5 C.\>EIX L0T8.

m ms t m Celebrated Brands of SCOTCH WH1SKKY Xamely: BEN ALDOCHLAN. Ainsley’s OLD Blended Glenlivet GLE ,NIOK S). i eiENLION SPECIAL LIOUELK SC0TCH WhISkEY. ir»

THE COMMERCIAL 8ALOON Harry Klemme, Manager Cor. Nuaanu & 13oretania sts. Honolalo, H. I. Tbe Only Sportmg Honse iu Town. O. I-*. S. aSpecialitv; LOHENOKIN LAGER BEER Always on Draogbt. 2 GLASSES FOR 25 CENT>. BeH of Wines, Liquors, and Cigars, ALWAYS ON HAND. jul tf

C1TY DRAVAGE C0. Stand: Queen and Fort Strert.'. White and BIack Sand. Draying Done at Reasonab!e Rate-. W. F. 8HARRETT, Mxx*ubr. Wanted. TWO Unfornished Hotue3 of 6to 8 ROOMS eaeh. Enqaire of 103 Fort Street. oelO medp:iros \ eo. Merchant Tailor* J Amenean, Engtiah and Scotcb T«re<xia om hand. work gnaranteed Hotel St., auder’ Arliagtoa Hotel B.. ■* Honolnlo. DS. P. CKER, Manager aon.

HoYen Kee^o. % Tinsmiths and Dealers Crockery, GUssware, $o. WATK* PIPES LAID aND PLUNEĪNu N*ATLT 1XECUTED U j*Quaau St, b«tire«u Kiag tsd Uot«i imoiy