Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 44, 8 November 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Golden Hule Bazaar, * Depot for SEWSPAPERS PERIōDICALS by 6Ter>incomiiig steamer. Subscriptions Payable in Advance. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINES. Tbis MaeLine 5s the K5ng of all. On ii von ean make a Loekstitcb, Ch^n-stitch. Embroidery, iiutton-Lolps. Kulhee, Tucks. Gnitars, Lawn Tennis, Baseball, Croquet. Stationery and Blank Books at Prices. Hand Sewing Maehinea fron. eight dollars and a half np. [jy27 WE I.WIIE ALL SMOKEBS To eall and infpoct oar Iate iuiportation of the edebnf(d G. B, D. pip«s, cigars and cigarette hoM-»n. HCM.ISTEC 1 CC. T. H. ’Dayies h I j & Co., 3Lim.itedFresh Feed and Flour » From WASHINGTON.

Lion Flour, Oats, Barley JVIiddling8 Bran, PER “ WAKIMOO " Just to Hand.

New DryaGood8 Crockery, Hardware, Qroceries, 170 Xlnnd. AaElTTS PO» Batley Honolulu Made Wlre Woven Matresses ana Hammocks 3a*a