Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 44, 8 November 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HAWAII’S “ BLUE” LAWS CONSTITUTION aml LA\VS Framod bv tho Missionarios LAWS ofthe HAWAIIAN ISLĀNDS. Furthermoro. the »chool eommittec appointed in conformity to the ltv whilo tbey perform faithfully their dutio-‘. shall be fre©d from going to tho labor of the King and Ihe FruUy labor of tho lanil agenU. But if thore is any nnti ual U 'or to bo dono, they ahall work on tho appropriate days o:' tho people, but not on tho daye of tho Kiog nor of tho Und agonU. It U furthermore agroo»l that thero «hall bo t«ro goneral agenU on Hawaii, the present year. and oaelī ?hall rocoivo thirtv nvo dollars. Tho goucral agent of Miui shall rcooi\>' thirty five dollare, and that of Molokai, twouty tivo. tho oao on Oahu shall receive thirty and Ihe ono on Kauai thirty five, to be paid in governmont property but not in raoney, Tbese KeaoWea paased by ihe Nohlea and Ropresentativo • wo hereoy approvc and havo tboreforo 8ubscribcd our namen this thirt«onth day of May in the yoar of our Lor l ouo thonsand eight hundred and forty two at I.ahaina. Maui. (Signod) KAMEUAMEUA 111. KEKAULUOHI CHAPTER LIH. AMENDMENTS TO BK INSERTED IN LAW XXIf. ON T»E 123d PAOE.

1. If anr por»on onter n cotnpl«int to a Jodge »f 40 :» » nature that it ia nec««ary toattich pM{»erlrfortl-bt.it gha11 then be tho duty of iho Ju t > cau« »och pro{>orty to be attocbetl *s be i* ac<iu*inte<l witb. flal if the pl*intit r know of otber pr»perty ho may gi /e nolao to the Jo.ige who will c*om> tbat property al&o to b« «tUcbed. Bat sf tberr be any »nb9eqtieni difRculty in oona«jaoiKe of the «ttachm«nt baring boen wrongfully maelo, lb<» blame ao l lo* 1 ■ be on tho plaintiff. 2. When one pereon in»titate* a *ait agiin.U *nother .?• fore a Judge for debt, the Jo<lge ahall then iwue a wr : .Uen aammone lo the defendan: roqairinj( him to appoar. and for »aid lbe Jodgo ahall recoire one <fo!lar, anJ t• pereon «ho «rr«a it ahall roceire t*enty firo eonU. Tho Jadge ahall alao recoire two <lollaw for rendehng and oxecuting jodgment lt property oo attiebo<l and aoM at aoehon tho Judge ahall receiro »ix por c«nt on all the property thos »ld. The »ltneao« ahall alao be pai«i according to tho eqaiaitioa of another law. [5« C Ktipter XL 1 /•] Thwor rui« of p*y»eni app’y to tho trial of minor off«naoe but oot to }nry triai*. If tho dobtor ’o«re aulleienl pn pon/, ho must pay th« eooU. Bot if hi» proporty be noi safficieot, Ihen the plaintiff ommI pay. Thoogb il tbe debt>r has not beon in Uoli, tho plaintiff ahall pay the coats; and if they h\tt been alike in laoll. taeo tho c»U ahall bo o<ioaliy dxndod heUeen th*m.