Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 44, 8 November 1894 — Good Natured Ignorance. [ARTICLE]

Good Natured Ignorance.

Mb. Emtob. I euclose 11.00 whieh I trust you will return to the ignorant pretented critic who contributed a peraon»l article to your paper iast evening, and permit me toqnalify mvsclf regarding the writers evident desire not ouly to poae as a critic, but as a skeptic on theatricals. Firstly Mr. Good Nature yon hhould be tuugbt that 4,con»istanee thou art a jewel.’’ «ud that , »uch sentenccs a« “the very stagey Mr. Snow, M and “Mr. Snow passed tl»e line of xnediocrity’’ do not harmouize. If Mr. Suow was stagey he conld not even approacb the line of mediocrity. Aguin you state iu guneral terms i. o “Jizzy and in a «eeoml broath commit yourself by allowing that “old Vanalstyne and his othcr son with the old i ileik cloaely upproacbed the line.” 1 would consider to use ; your stereotypo word, that youi solccism is most unpardonablo, j ulJ vour geuoral knowledgo of , theatricals is doubt!ess on the . saiue pur. You head your eom- j muuicatiou “b!irnstormers,” »nd i vet 1 aiu iuclined to the belief ! J I that in any other than a literal scnso, you do not know tho defon- J tion of the wonl or its origin.*and if yon aro evou lhat fnr conversaut with ourbnsiness; it was eitrome bad taste on }'Our parl to | iueution Stuart Kobsou or any of j 40 Ieading actors of today, but I aiu forgetting that you have not road stage history, aud know ~as littlo about its campaign frora 1800 to 1874 as a pig dots about boavon. Your meraory socras to serve you in sotuo respects or yon wouU have tho puhlie bolieve it does and j cito “pleasnnt rccollections” | of Stuart Robsons compauy iu tho samo pieee. Ct)Iightening | you is ray present uiission, aud j while iu this mood wouU inforra { you that asido frora two “seasons” whon Crane tirst aud Mordaunt j after wore mcrabers of the eouipany, tho urganizatiou was eomposed “ono part" actor pickcd up at tho respectivo agoncios in j New York aud drilled for months liko a kiudcrgarton youngster to play their respectivo roles. They w ero not aud doubtless never will be “slock‘ actors owing possibility to tho fragrant laek of i pportuuity provulent in the east for years. But they pleased your narrow miud aml thus 3*011 are liceuscd (self constituted) to pose as a skcptic 011 footlight and j fo3'er. Your uccusation of dishouesty is iu thorough keepiug with tho entiro literary welange or bnucorabe \'oui ooutrihute.aud is bnt additional evidenee tbat you aud the stage are ontire straogera. 1 was fully thieo raontbs in makiug tho personello of this orgauization as ! it takes nion auJ women of brains to stady throe new pieee a woek aud prosent the sarae at two reheai'sals: the ae(ore ‘ You men-I tion woukl hanlk 4 bo acceptable servauts. Vereatility. stabiiitv and eiperieuce is the motto of a Stock Compan3' aud the stock actor of San Francisco is toda3% tho uiost sought for aud best saiarieJ eipc>ueut of the Jrama iu the New York books. Few, if auy of ihom ts there. who has uot plaveJ one buudrod and fifty different roles and such experieuce has ils market valuo. They stand today undor the &ame hght that ahone ou tho oU Califoruia Stock Corapany, aud its uot uueommon to hear of one rising to greatness iu the field from whieh you ideals •miuale. lt wouU be imparting too mueh kuowledge to your narrow enniam to cite tbe prcsent California stock actors who bave foroed yon ideāh back behiud a counter or driving a horee as so maeh date might lead you to ap. ply for a poaiiion as dramatic eniie for *some journal and the hasty manuer in whieh they voold disponso witb yoor servicos wonld eame you to forever hate

me. In cooclosi n wonld say i tbat the “velvet*’ acquired by me r l.v.tt lime did r.ot have a very \ downv co*ting and iess this vi»it. J and stiii I l»elieve I am returning| to yoo the o«/y dollar yon ever ( contnboted For the elev itioo t of the dr»ina in Honololo 3‘orr j borable servant haa spent raore, money tb*n any manager vhO| ever vi-iled yoo, whieh statement| will be substantiated Ihe i ow nere of tbe Opera Honse and ; mv comptny passed their ap-; prenticesbip years before ytnr, humhie jadgement dared assnme fancifol dights. I retorn. some davs bringing Ada Rehau, Henn* Miller. Jos. Stoddard. Minnier Dopree, Jno. Drew and others, and plav' at the Opera House at 2J and .50 cents. lf I shouU, I ahall eipected to reI ceive tbe former price from you and read how big «n ass you ean make of youreelf xt day throngh the kiodness of s rae over indulgeut cditor. Y*ours truthfolly W. K Dails*.