Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 9 November 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

September 17,1S94. If we correctly the “CharIeston M was the first of the “White to visit HonoHer arrival on her second cruise is still in.ihe minds of people who were hJre on January 29, 1391. When with flags at half-mast and yards cock-built she enterod port i4ith the body of £ing Kalakana, nie kind attentions shown by the ofl5cers to the King during Ae voyage to the United States and the, almost sacred manner in whieh the body was goarded while being borne to the Islands, endeared the “Charleston'’ to the people of Hawaii. As mueh as it Wbs in the power of the people, their* appreciation was shown to the officers during their stay j when sailed they left graven tn tablets of love and memory, evidences of their Aloha for Ha\ wau. Few, if any, of the officers who were here then are on the vessel now; sorae have reached the age of retirement and others have gone to other vessels but the Charleston is still greon in

tbe heart of the Hawaiians. Have you ever used a Pansy Stove? We have |been selling them for four or five years and to-day they wear the “Yellow Coat” in the empire of stoves.

They are reccgnized by every one, even dealers in other stoves, as a superior article and one whieh they do not care to run up against. Of conrse stoves may be bonght from people who are not dealers. We have people running here every day or two for fire bricks and parts belonging to stoves they have bought from other parties, and when they find they cannot got them Li. nr their stoves and buya “Pansy." tcou iu ro is a disadvantago in buying dear things at low prices. Come to us and get a Pansy at §15 00 and yon get full valne for your mo- 1 ney. You don’t get t §75.00 ] range for fifteen dollars, mind y°u, bnt you get a first class $ stove that is worth Thirty dollars ( to any one (

Our Keady Mited Paints are suited to tbe wauts of people who bave a little paintiug they want to do themselves. The advantage in bnying a prepared paint is that you have the benefit of the best mixors in the United States without having to pay for it. The paint is ready for use directly you take the top off the ean aud if you don’t find it eheaper and better than any you ean mix }’ourself we are mistaken in our «perience- In California the painters are using the prepared article in preference to boying lead and oils because they find it to their advantage to do so. We believe it ia only a question of time when the painters here will fall into line.

Hanging lamps are in as great demand now as ever. People seem to want something for lightpnrposes that will give as good light as the snn—they fiod it in the lamps we are giving away. Oar eheap stand Iamps are an excellent thing for a servants fo° m and will find a readv sale m the Island stores. W*e ean supply any demand. for a single lamp or for a thousand. Theres Iots of Hawaiiana whose Knleanaa need fencing and we have thewirewith whieh i » do it We have also the mateml for building a fence that wUl laat nntil long after the mihlemum. Instead of p.™* a J hlghpncefor posts. oreven^ettmg t em for the cutfang. your I fence wiU eoel y OU leas money if I yoa buy steel stays and waahon, and make a Jones Locked fence. We hare eT»rything y©u wani m the bardware and houae furoiahing gooda line you wiah A.nd we coart investigation kheirqualityand|pTie£ 1 ne Hmm ikmiik *n?ort8tmt 1