Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 9 November 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE [ARTICLE]


Mb. Emtoe. Tbe gnthiog editori*l in th* AdverUae- of Nor. 5 orer Thurston *nd Has*fQg9 enda thus: “Onititude is the diaiect and perfumed flowc jef the first eulture. In moeCcommauities the only flover to be found. whieh represeots gra|itude. is a scrub thistle. whieh cas a bad odor.” The A<l*:«riiatr has bumped solid agaiust tho lrutb tbis time sure Tbe orfspring of the miaeionan-

who edits tbe.morniog paper, appe«re to b*ve lorgottac his owd bistory as weif as that of his brotbere in pietv, in tbeir * scrub ;thistle gratitu/e towards their Hawaiian benefactors; who for Iong years f|d, clothed, nursed. boused and gave tbezn lands in abundance. \\ hen now ia order to entiroly overwhelm the natives, they in company with the rascal Stevens, nsed every subterfuge to t rob those natives of their natioa- , ality. JOf snch is ihe “scrub r thistle gratitude” of missonaries, given to Hawaiians in return for theiridimn6ss, whieh trulv sends l ont bud odor from nnder the i tent of the missionary. j j Haw.ui Fobever.