Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 9 November 1894 — "Held!" [ARTICLE]


0 *’Tbe Enemy’’ held tbo s Comp»ny !ast nigbt and he alsc > heid a most appreci»tive aadience. r Tha great military <lrama v»; r onded in a first class style and , j the high dramatic et!orts of tbc j ! company vere tboroagbly apprer | ciated. It is nnnecessary to give , ; epeeial menlion to the aeeom1 plished play of Al. Hailett. He ) is one of the most valuable ad- - ditions to the Daiiey show and > the Honolola pohlie appreciates , bim thorooghly. Miss Nannary r was lovely as nsually and her ; beantiful eyes made haroca i among the old bald-hoads. Tbe yonng one» have snccombed long ago. Miss Dalgleisb was ehanuing hs Sasan and displayed retnarkable comedy ability; this is oertainly her fort aud in this style of charucters has no »nperiors. Mr. Suow was very impres- ; sive as Col. N Prescott particulariv ; in the two love scenes with Miss 1 Mr. E'flmoar was capital as Mr. Bean the sketch ' artist. The halnnee of the cast 1 was coucientiously haudled and the stage raechanism and etfect ably handled. As a whole it was one of Daiiey’s best. 1 j ■■■ -i