Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 9 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

BEDS of WOVEN WIRE! The Luxury OF THE I9th Century

>'! o 0 e| i s ■ f : r 5 9 ! 1 3 3 ■ 9 9 1 t i t 9 5 A T*Te, Dāl aatN>Jr erer he»r bo« Uw btiaaa ftm »»t *rcwn. How Um nl’.k got ia tk «oeoa&a:. wbro ra«Bsc iwO wm Frca> «b«aee Um naiire» cmk to :Jti* tair hai Aad wb«Q tb«T dwd. *htrt OM7 ali wcat, h»pf t i!»»r taad’ Tb*>« &ct» arr *n rar*ter.ott*. «2*4 uo «obtlioa ret. AaJ otbcr us«*;cries >$aite a- 'iieep wtuch irc aot (ittboaed j*t t Wh ■»»» it tun lbe opioa 'riwf, <ot la tbe _ Ii*ioof lrtt, Ho» *u i*. Cn5tctB* mra *m bQsJ. d«t*eUtt* coa!J'ut hc* WkdM toias to b« tbe luamae* Klis§of thb o<x pioii towa. WboTl *tan ihe Sbow. to vboa> sbal! wt ull plaek the "neeUia!" dows: Wlao wl!! u? Bo*«. »nJ run Uie 6rta, wbo wīll the Backlrr be. To do it on tbe fri#co plae o( tbe Grea! Kcpublic ftve* One ihine we know that B.Ul.EY'S EEU? »rv m*a< of WOVEN WIHE, Thev srire ns romfort, peaee »nd re»t. »ad are »11 tb»t we de#ire; Ile Ukes no patt in polilie», bat doe« lh« N»t be ema, To plea*e hU frien<l*. and »how th»t he’» the WOVEN WIKE VIAN J WOVEN WIRE BA/LEY, Manufacturer Of woveh w/re Beds, Hotel Street, Honolulu, (next duor to Horn's Steam Bakery.) i Sald by All KeāpEala'ale 1 Dsalsrs. aug 14-lao' L. 15. KERR’S ANNOU NC EM ENT! HAVE J0sr UECEIVED A L.ARGE ASSORT.MĒNT 0F . FINE SUIT1NGS, , ELEGANT PATTER\S, r and:latēst stvles. These gooda will be soJJ in an_v Qaantity froiu a 100JYards Down to Enouoh to Make a Single Scit ! —-AND AT—HAED TI1E8 PBIPEB! L. U. HF.BR. . - IMP0KTEB {Queea Street. Septō-3m PIONEEE Steam CANDY Factory, B.iKER¥ and , lee Cream Pai’lors! m 1869 1894 HT PRACTICAL CON FJEC HONEK and ORNAMENTER /a aU bra»teht* of ik* aw Ihne Aoeneaa. E=x!Ah Gcnaan isd Frtach PA5TR1IS Made lo Or*er. BIRTH-DAY AND WSDDdG CAOS| Xadc oI the V«n Best M*ur*l sad a*~ Family 6raham & Fancy 8read Ahsaf* m //W. all coarBenoxEKY 1« : Arc Oa»natad I» 3oidat f*tvw» aai Pw» aad FACTORY JLND STORE. Xa 71 Boiri