Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 9 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

I HIRES 1 ROOT BEER NXIfOC& 8 ARE TOl' • Caa t *>»p. <■'*» '5 , «mt. Urrd. * Il'» I todC W*Bt H1RKS»X>TBEKH , pariSr» lir Um4. Ikkl» tfcr HJRES »«• nmcs' iMPfio%T3> *»r ROOT BEEI M l!QUO &»Si> »C5CC »A»r> *nt ohī.c« G*U9Kf~ &ZV€*Zr' WHAT5THEDIFFEKKNCK ‘ Tou drink HIRES ROOTBEF.R for p!ca#arr snU grt » tottio. Tou Uke ii »* » U>ttic ud gct p{ca*are. ftoof BE ER n< m<Mt inra»« «i wkoumkmi mcraL*.!tca smi*k a» u» wwm r»r rr. Aak jvar at Otkm (m :« C. E. HIRES. Philaoelphia 3app.x« V ji-*.-» < «a>!J W*t »trraai — It «ie*!'. Nf m *rrnv(vH lt BMCk- 4*«rr. to IHRC» Kj « >IBEE:i Ct»u>i *«iUnt; Ui T\ict *Wl • ni’A'» it «otttd W fat pil<r ;a«. \%t »c-t ■t%Ut. To »oU JHak apoo lUe briak lt.« BwUro<tt A!i|bl, Morning, N'oon, >Tiixht .... Good all ti» !imc. lt maot«« tiw Uo(a\>r of moraias. «uMmk» tk« (Bt?i i-« »t n» ■ laiU thc trcann«M of tti«ht—HIRES RtX»TB£EK -Uelleloa». *parkli.-L:, »pp<t:5 !..>>.! *« • iuxunr. <ood u » lome It ii bcTon.t »i! di*putf » wondcrfal iwaiUi < v n* Jnak umI it i. ttrt r».t ( un -« to unJer»tani whr thU U %o. Ttc root, hcr!»«, h*rk« auU («nK fn»io » » IURF> K.>< ! BEER U *klUfuilT mvlo, »re tho klouUe»! ihīne* (Kiu «b.vh i»htr»K i*n« ,-t '.!; r m t !>■- . fut rrmt»dic« For ln.*t»«oiK IV» jt*a brlteT« tb»t mmpoH.i» l» » mlnai īe tr:r..-*t • \\ HIRES ROOTBKER conl*ln* moee *ar»apanlU lh»n m»!-.v «« lo otber logmltcnt», It 1« doinic tnort* to »dtinee pr»ctic»l lempemne* th»n m»ay pe»»pi* rr* I’ ■ a« *nd reeommendctl br the mo*t . »atiou« »nd i-on*cr»atiTC t*m'pcr»n.c pe»- • IV b< >: »ornpalott* »b*l*incr o»n cnjoy HIKES RtK)TBFER hlm- lt. »:»d rfc.»mraot! 1 U <•(!..-'* *- «n agrco»blo »nd hoalthfu! *ub*tital« for thc *trons; driak whi t ho cpp. *c* It U » homom*de »nd bcTor»cf lt i» rrry • ■-*;«▼ « ; pUin dircction< *n? lollowni, lt wlU »Jw»r» bc C'">d. Et»tt mr«N r •( lh- t»n; ,«. U tn t!>.’ b»by to lh« jt»»ndfalhor. c»n mjoy HiKKS UOt»TBEElL *nd . \rry one of tbom wiil h»to bettor he»lth Cor eaoh »w»Uow ti>oy uko. it initono« the whole »T»tom Childrv:> e»i<«ctal)T ia lilKK' R(Km»KKK !’• . > tion intcro*ts them. »nd it« u«o .i o-* Ihom eoo.l fn th<>:;•»;! !* o< homo*. !IIR1 ' K >• 'V BEER *hst mothor m»do," will bo »tnonj: iho h»ppi«d we«dkctk>n« of ehii il ••! BF.WARE ! Do not confound it with other Rootbr« r pret«r»tin *- • ;« er.(«•!> Uke »nrthinu eUe of Ihe ktod. B«ware of crtrvU adTertb«d b>r Koolhe f. *» th< > are compc>»ed chioSr of coloring matter and «>il* to eiee thcm S»Tor, whīoh tvl!e tho i,or>e» and cause naunoa. Hlre« Improved Bootbeer j>*okaff<‘« nwk. « renilT tb«.* nu>it harmi «• of our fa- ■•■»!• ■ drink*. yot n«>nri*h:D£ *nd strcngthenins the bloo«L lt ..innv> the »y«f* m f th p .• hnmor»'that develoD m kidner aud urin»ry dU<a»es, and in f*ct. lu »ny c»-e th*t ■• - tr m an impare »tato of Uie blood. Hire« Improred Rootbeer U o(fcn-d to the pnb!i>- wtth ful! •■oniile ;. .' . f .!« rn •• It eomain» no poiaonon» or injurious proportics what«Tor ( »o4 an in£»nt m»y u« ■ it wiih j-f foet safety. JOBBEHS: HOBKON I)RUG CO. ) HOLLISTER “ V BENSON, SMITH .l CO. •• “ 1 LEWIS & CX) Honoluln, Oct. ‘A5. U -dly. Wboles»le l>raggist. Wbole*a!e t»iocerH. HOLLISTER & CO. Importers, Wholeealo and ReUii De.iter-t in Pin© Cigrsirs, S22Q.ol-rirLg' Xo“ba»cco, AXD Sm.ci3iers uf^xticlesAgents for ihe Celebrated Cr. B. r>. PIPES. MADE IX PARD* amg7 PDKIF1EI) WATEK. No Microb©s. 13 U3KD BY THK COX30UDaTE0 SODA WATER WORKS CuMPANY—LītuiUxi. Xl3Le3r tlie 3F , c'crrLta»iac.s XiixcTio*i2.cTXti tiie Cit3r, Kxcimxu oxi 3Pu.r© a*s Cx37*atala- r īīsrsr. rr. '«*!I