Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 45, 9 November 1894 — REPUBLIC OF HAWAII. [ARTICLE]


— ■ ; lo Mr«. S. B. Dol«. I Rcpnbllc of Ilawaii, ' Tby pr*i*e 1 sing. I T)iou embrace sll rao> » j In harmocy’» riug. | United we »tand. dlvided we lall. j Aloha and peaee msy n-ūpi orer »11. I Hawaii Aloh». : AloU* Haw»ii. | Bepublic of Haw»ii. I My bom« dear home. i Frum W»ikiki's be»cb To Manoaioa’» dcme, Tbi» be»utifol Iaud of lovc and of trutb 1» paradise here for age »ud for youtb. U»w»ii Aloh», Aloh» Hawaii. Kepuhlie of Hawail, Tbou l»nd of dream«. With moonlalua «o bigh And valley* w!th sfrearn», Where Maile rounJ Koa lovinjrly twine* And moon ever pnrc »nd *llvery «hiuea. Hawaii Aloha, Aloha Hawaii. Republie of Hawaii Take band and he«rt. Frora tbce my conntry I never will part 1 Sbould cloud» evcr ri»e, be «II true and brave Till Hawaiian palm» wave over our grave. Uawaii Aloha, Aloha Ilawaii! H. W. SCHM1DT. Malukia, July, Editor Holomua: Mr. 3cljmidi’s groui Iyric is now the principal topic of literary circles. 1am deeply impressed witb the excellence of yesterday’s parapbrase as conveyingtbe subtle tbougbt of ‘‘Kepuhlie of Hawaii” helween lines. Nevertheless the almigbty dollar is a sordid tbemo unfit for tbe realms of poesy, tberefore I submit the following as a more appropriate translation: Kepuhlie of Ilawali Tby praiae I cb«nt All other rhyme ls simply rant United we st»nd, on a eumul«tive I«y out For popular wlll 2» destiucd to play out. Uawaii aole Hello, how are 'e. Eepuhlie of Ilawali My limited strctcb From lonely Nlihau To Uilo B*y beach I» doubtless of very eonsidcrabIe worth And y«t my «onl ye*rn* for tho re*t ot the earth Uawaii wale uo I» simply “no jo.” Hawaiiau Rcpubllc Onee on a time I got it in the neek When I »«t thec to rbyme Profes*or S«uvlet w*s a «windler and che*ter Ou the jrroand th«t no mneie would fit my soide metra Hawaii ponoi No poi Hawail. Kepuhlie of Hawail Tby consnl bercft WUl UanK to tby «kirt Whlle tbcre's auytbing Ieft For a eonaalaie survly i* ouly a hanhie Compared with tbe glory of being a nohle In Hawaii aloha I N»i loa Hawaiī.